The press. Oh my...

The pieces suddenly fell into place with a resounding click. "You!" Harry said. "You're the press leak."

Xander gave him a slow, controlled clap. "Well done, Harry. My own secretary to first to figure it out. Pity you can't do anything about it."

"Why, Xander? You have a good job, an excellent job. What on earth made you betray the Tomlinsons' trust?"

Xander gave Harry a scattering look. "Johannah Tomlinson thought she was so bloody untouchable with her boardroom politics and holier-than-thou kids. The woman had a string of men yet she had the nerve to include a morality clause then lecture me on personal ethics, to reprimand me for sleeping with her staff. It was none of her bloody business."

So you leaked stories to the press to get back at her. The plane crash. Charlotte's wedding..."

"Yep. And soon the details of Harry and Zayn's little affair." His eyes gleamed. "It'll be the lead on every news channel in the country, possibly even the world."

"Unless Zayn pays up."

"Unless he pays up. And you, babe," he added, his expression turning triumphant, twisting his features into a snarl, "are my leverage."


Zayn knew the moment Harry turned up on his doorstep that something was wrong.

"Why are you blocking my transfer?" he gritted out as he strode inside.

Zayn closed the door with a gentle click then pointed the remote to the TV. The split screens flickered off.

"Who told you?"



"So? Is it true?"


Harry shot Zayn a look of venom laced with haughty pride. "Why? Why would you do that?"

"Why are you suddenly concerned about what that man says?"

"Because I've just spent ten minutes listening to his demands. And don't change the subject. Why-"

"What demands?"

"He has a security tape of us in the elevator."

"I see."

The lines of Zayn's face tightened and Harry breathed in quick, sharp. "He's also the press leak."

Harry waited for rage to explode, but all he got was a raised eyebrow. Zayn said, "That I suspected."

Harry blinked. "You did?"

Zayn nodded. "I've had him under surveillance. And I've been meeting with the board outside Tomlinsons'. It's amazing what people will let slip when they're relaxed." He reached for the phone and dialled.

"What are you going to do?"

"Get him arrested."

After a few minutes, he hung up and swung to face Harry with a considering look. "Is that all?" he asked softly.

Harry blanched. "Why?"

"Because a tape of us does not make a huge scandal, considering we're now engaged. What else does he have on you?"

Harry tried to swallow past the lump on his throat. "Does it matter?"

"It matters."

Harry closed his eyes briefly then opened them again, meeting Zayn's steely gaze without flinching. "What I was working for Xander I slept with him, okay? I breached my morality contract. A dumb, stupid thing to do. Then I put in for the temporary PR job and thought he'd let me go but..." Harry trailed off in the face of Zayn's silence. "You knew, didn't you?"

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