three | seven harry's

Start from the beginning

"If someone's got a problem with you, they've got a problem with me as well then." Ginny states, crossing her arms over her chest.

"They've got a problem with all of us, then." Hermione says, the two attempting to assure Paz there will be no problem once the wedding finally arrives.

Paz sighs, rolling over in her bed to face the wall. She takes the letter from Theo out from her pocket, observing the familiar hand writing.

The war didn't stop just because she was fighting at the moment. Theo, Pansy, Blaise, Draco, they were all out there, fighting. Most likely getting urged by their families to become Death Eaters, serve Voldemort as if it's their destiny. Paz found this all to be ridiculous. She was hoping her sister was doing alright back home.

-- -- -- -- --

Paz grew to love Mad-Eye like one would love a grumpy uncle. She wanted nothing more than to hear all his old Auror stories, being told to 'get lost' shortly after having enough of her for one day. As they made their way inside of the Dursley's house, Paz was trailing behind Moody, asking question after question of any secret jinx's he might know.

"Can it, Parkinson. We've got work to do." He grumbled, hobbling inside and plopping his bag on the ground. Paz was very happy to see Harry, as were all the others of course.

Moody explained the plan to Harry, though he was very reluctant to agree.

"Harry," Paz chimes in, ignoring Moody's roll of the eyes at her, "If you die, we lose this war. If someone like me dies, boo hoo, but it won't matter, because you're safe. Now shut up and let us save your arse."

Harry sighed, Hermione than plucking some of his hair and handing it to Moody, who dropped it inside of the Polyjuice Potion, handing it around to six people in the room.

Paz reached for it and took a sip, her face immediately scrunching up in disgust. She handed it to Ron as she coughed and began to feel very uncomfortable. She shot up several inches, her hair seemed to get sucked into her head, and she felt as if her face was twisting every which way.

"Oh Merlin Moody, remind me to never drink this shite again." Paz mumbled, as the other around her let out laughs. Fred and George were sure to add in the fact that they were now, and only now, identical.

Paz dug through the bag, stripping down and changing into a pair of clothes that matched all the other Harry's. Glancing around the room, it was an extremely odd and very unsettling sight. Moody handed her a pair of glasses, and the lot made their way outside. They got set up in their respective ways for flying back to the Burrow, Moody and Paz would be returning by broomsticks.

"Stay safe, Paz." Hermione said, squeezing Paz's hand tight. She smiled at Hermione, trying to picture her face as her own instead of Harry's.

Once Moody had everyone else set off, He pushed off his own broom with Paz holding on tight behind him.

"Our portkey is at my house, you remember where that is from here, right? I told you yesterday, if anything happens to me, you follow through with the mission. Don't be a hero."

Paz shivered at the thought of something happening to Moody. Her thoughts were disrupted upon hearing screams from around her. The sky was filled with Death Eaters, and running the whole operation, Voldemort himself.

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