CHAPTER 1: I'm Aky!

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January 2019

Aky's POV

"Start this day with a smile!" I said at the back of my mind.

The holiday break had come to a close, and my heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness as I pushed open the heavy double doors of the auditorium. Stepping into the vast space, I was greeted by the familiar scent of polished wood and the low hum of conversation. Sunlight poured through the tall windows, casting a warm glow over rows of neatly arranged chairs. It felt as if the room itself held its breath, aware that this day marked the beginning of something new.

My eyes darted across the sea of faces, searching for familiar ones amidst the crowd of strangers. I had spent the holiday break in solitude, seeking solace in books and introspection. Now, standing amidst my peers, I couldn't help but wonder how's my friends doing after our long holiday vacation.

Taking a deep breath, I ventured forward, navigating through the maze of chairs. The auditorium seemed to amplify the excitement, as if it understood the significance of this moment.

Twenty minutes had passed since we took our seats in the grand auditorium of Star International Highschool, one of the most renowned and prestigious educational institutions in Laguna. The school's reputation for excellence resonated throughout the room. Its alumni had gone on to achieve remarkable success in various fields, leaving an indelible mark on society. The faculty members, distinguished experts in their respective disciplines, were poised to impart their wisdom and guide us on our educational journey.

To alleviate my boredom, I reached for my earphones and indulged in some of my favorite songs. Simultaneously, I retrieved the school handbook from my bag. Earlier, there had been whispers in the hallway about something significant happening today, with hints suggesting that the clue lay within the pages of the handbook. Being a naturally curious person, I couldn't resist the temptation to join in the gossip and unravel the mystery.

As the familiar melodies filled my ears, I delved into the handbook's contents, eagerly flipping through its pages. I scrolled through the index, scanning each section for any hints or clues. The possibility of uncovering a hidden message or secret event ignited a spark of excitement within me.

As my eyes scanned the paragraphs, my mind raced with possibilities. Would there be a surprise concert, a spontaneous talent show, or perhaps a special guest speaker? The possibilities were endless, and the mystery only deepened as I absorbed the information presented before me. After flipping through countless pages, my eyes came to rest on the section of the handbook that outlined the university's mission and vision.


The Star International School is working to be a leading educational institution that enhances and empowers the values of academics, and prepares its students for their future mission, and develops them as productive and globally-competitive individuals.


The Star International School aims to help the students develop a desirable character and reach their full potentials; provide the best quality of education and leadership that can serve as an influence and guidance to the real world.

After reading through its contents, I turned to the next page of the handbook. I had already familiarized myself with the school rules during my previous encounter, so I decided to skip that section. I continued flipping until I reached the far end, where the faculty staff members were listed. However, something caught my attention and seemed peculiar. The section dedicated to the school owner only displayed a name, without any accompanying picture or additional information.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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