The Dark Night

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Here is the new update

This chapter would be turning the fate of the couple Arjun and Myra, so get ready for that

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Myra POV

I was sitting in my balcony enjoying the soft wind on my face and wind chimes making a sweet noise. A date changed my mind and soul it made me happy. I cannot believe I am the same Myra who was cynical about her whole life. Soon I would be married to Arjun and now it does not scare me. At least I know him and so far he has been nothing but patient with me. 

While I was submerged in my thoughts someone knocked on my door, I opened it to see that Arjun 

Me: Arjun, what are you doing here?

Arjun: Will you not invite me in?

Me: Oh sheesh yes please come in ... what's up?

Arjun: Well mom wanted to invite people for the engagement so she wanted me to come here and take your opinion on what design to send out as the invitation... So here are the models 

Me: Arjun these are a lot of models to look at.. what did you like?

Arjun: Umm no way ... this choosing the card would be of your interest, whatever you like would be printed, I am here to see how you would choose

Me: Okay then

I looked at all the cards they all looked costly and the designs looked little over the top. My eyes caught a simple design 

Me: I kinda like this, it has an appealing color not too bright & shiny like other cards

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Me: I kinda like this, it has an appealing color not too bright & shiny like other cards. It's simple and it looks elegant

Arjun: Okay we will go with this color

Me: Wait that's it? You are not going to tell me what you like?

Arjun: Nope because I like whatever you chose so no counter-arguments for that. I have to leave now, my mom would tease me mercilessly otherwise

Me: Okay, see you later

Arjun: See you on the engagement day ... don't know if I can see you in between but I will call you every day

Me: Arjun I understand, you have all these arrangements to make and a business to run ... I will wait for your calls though

Arjun had this surprised look on his face

Me: What happened? Why are you looking at me like that?

Arjun: Nothing... It's surprising to see you behave almost like a bride 

The Reluctant Wedding - COMPLETED (Check out the bonus chapter)Where stories live. Discover now