⚠️ 25. feelings, ugh. ⚠️

Start from the beginning

"Ebén... fuck " She deep-moaned, gyrating on his sink as his fingers were still buried deep inside.

His teeth marks had marked both her breasts, throwing her head back, breathless, completely yielding to his dominance. His eyes capsized her, as his words full of lustful threat fell from his mouth, and were breathed on to her lips, "You already wet and I ain't even started yet"

Yet? If this was nothing, Maya surmised that there was no way she'd last. She felt her eyes jut with pleasure, groaning, "Ser... ious?"

"Yeah," Sex seemed to make Ebén colder.

Their heavy panting was the only indicator of the unbridled passion that they both felt for each other. Sex had never made Maya flare hot this much, as her past experiences of lovemaking weren't like this.

Often, feigning orgasms with Reuben as she had spent a majority of her minutes servicing him and the pressure to come after his high, as he watched, made simulating one an easier one of the two.

With their moist bodies pressed against each other in skin-to-skin, his shoulders sunk to re-meet her lips.

"Shower," She bemoaned, mid-kiss, trying to take back the controls she had given him willingly, "Now."

On her pleading command, he conceded to her authority, which ultimately was a first allowing her to dictate how they were going to start and end. They both tumbled towards the shower door, their lips hooked together like two missing pieces from a puzzle that had finally found each other.

Lust or possibly love had them both in a haze, Ebén didn't recognise that he was still wearing pants as he loomed above her, his breathing scuppered.

She pulled at his drawstring and with bated breath, watched his generously-sized length re-acquaint itself with her own crazed eyes as his trousers sunk down from his waist to the shower room floor.

He made her back crash into the wall as he set the shower to a medium spray, swathing both their bare, brown bodies underneath the metallic shower head drilled into the ceiling.

His hands then reached up to the crown of her head and began ardently massaging her scalp as his big, wet lips rubbed over hers, leaving no stone unturned.

Maya felt she could get used to this gentleness as he took care with each curl, "That feels... good"

"It does?"

"Yeah," She closed her eyes ushering her head up as their wet lips continued to smack with each other.

Etched in Ebén's acacia-brown eyes was a look of desperate longing as his hands continued to give her curls some much needed TLChe was in trouble.

He was starting to... feel things. Things he had never felt before. Things for her. Like settling down, marriage... children. He had now been struck with a bad case of falling in love with Maya St. Thomas.


Maya gaped at foamy soap percolating down his inked steel pecs but his question pulled her out of her conscience, "What's your family like?"

"My family?"

"Yeah," He continued to prod, wanting to discover more about her that he didn't know.

His eyes were completely focused on her, waiting patiently for her to share, just like he had done.

But, this is wasn't what this was well, to Maya at least. They were just two people, tapping into the intense sexual attraction that they both had for each other, that riled them up and made them crazy. He wasn't someone that she had planned to share every aspect of her life with.

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