Sky: "We need a gunther." she tells Richard when she comes to walk beside him 

Richard: "Dr. Rivers, it's the first day of fifth year. I-"

Sky: "And they're at each other's throats. We need a gunther."

Richard: "I've got more pressing problems. I'm trying to find a new spot for Meredith Grey" he says making her pace slow a little as she gives him a look "You know, I heard they have a new research fellowship at Mass Gen. I thought a recommendation from you might-"

Sky: "You want me to write a recommendation for Meredith Grey?"

Richard: "By the end of the day would be fine." he goes to walk away but she stops him

Sky: "To whom it may concern, Meredith Grey is an excellent example of the kind of resident you absolutely should not hire. She undermines groundbreaking clinical trials, she has absolutely no respect for rules, authority, or, as it turns out, the oath that she took when she became a doctor. She will most likely tarnish the reputation of you, your doctors, and your hospital. Sincerely, Dr. Sky Rivers" she finishes, making him sigh "Meredith Grey is the reason we need a gunther." she snaps before walking away

Jackson: "Jerry Hoffman. C.T. showed a traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. I cleaned and splinted his humerus fracture and sutured his facial lacerations."

Derek: "Well, he won't need surgery, but let's do a neuro exam every two hours just to make sure."

Mark: "Let's take a look at your handiwork" he moves over to remove the gauze to see the stitches on Jerry's face "Oh, dear god. My grandmother could sew up a stuffed turkey better than this."

Jackson: "It was...pretty, uh, jagged in there, so-"

Mark: "You ever heard of burying your stitches?"

Jackson: "All right. So I will fix it."

April: "Oh, Jackson. There's a new patient in bed 3."

Jackson: "Kinda busy, April."

Mark: "Yeah, kinda busy turning this guy into Frankenstein. Go. Go. Make yourself useful."

Jackson: "All right, I'm gonna fix this. Mm-hmm."

Derek: "Don't you think you're being a little hard on the kid?"

Jackson: "He's a lightweight. Be thankful you have Meredith."

Derek: "She was fired."

Mark: "She okay?" he asks after a moment of silence 

Derek: "I don't know" she shrugs before they hear Jerry start to groan awak "Mr. Hoffman? Dr. Shepherd. You're at Seattle Grace hospital. There was an accident. A sinkhole collapsed."

Jerry: "My son?"

Derek: "Nicky's on his way in. He's had some severe injuries that they need me to assess, but I promise you, I'm gonna take good care of your son."

Mark: "Hey." he smiles when Sky comes over to where he's at

Sky: "I don't like you." she bluntly states making him look at her at him shock

Mark: "What? Why?"

Sky: "Because you...did me." she points at him before pointing to her stomach and then herself

Mark: "Well from what I remember you liked what I did."

Sky: "That was before all the throwing up, the many, many mood swings, and the fact that there is a giant sinkhole and instead of operating on patients I am dealing with residents and their annoying drama." she says through grit teeth 

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