Cristina: "You son of a bitch. I mean, are you happy now? 'Cause this is all because of you. You and your big fat, stupid mouth!" she hits Alex on the back and he moves next to an ambulance and she starts hitting his chest

Alex: "Get off me. Get off!"

Bailey: "Kepner, control your people."

April: "Stop! Stop!" she moves over to try to pull them apart 

Cristina: "All your fault!"

Alex: "Get off."

April: "There's no hitting. No hitting. Would you stop right now?"

Cristina: "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." she whines when Bailey goes over and grabs her behind the neck

Alex: "You going to the scene?"

Man: "Yes."

April: "Wait. Wait. I didn't tell you you could go. I need you here."

Paramedic: "42-year-old female. Lost consciousness en route. Unable to get airway secondary to tracheal injury. Last B. P. is 89 over 60."

Cristina: "Don't worry. We'll figure something out. Make sure there is a crike tray set up with the intubation kit."

Woman: "Yes, doctor."

Bailey: "Come on. You can't be here. You need to go." she says to Meredith as they start wheeling the patient into the ER

Bailey: "I hope you've got me with a decent resident. I'm not babysitting any first-day first years today."

April: "Yep, I got you with Meredith. Oh, wait. Um, that's not gonna...that's okay. Uh, not a problem. I can fix this. Uh, Jackson, can I get you with Bailey today?"

Jackson: "I'm already with Sloan. Sorry."

April: "Uh, okay. Uh, Yang. Yang. Can I get you to-"

Cristina: "No."

April: "Okay. Um, sorry. Hang on. Let me just, um...just figure this out." she looks through her clipboard frantically and Bailey rolls her eys before looking around the room 

Bailey: "Hey, Grey. You're with me."

Lexie: "Yes, ma'am."

April: "Uh, okay. Great. There we go."

Sky: "Dr. Kepner, three more coming in." she points her to the direction of the ambulance bay 

April: "Okay." she nods

Meredith: "Tension pneumothorax. Grab the biggest needle you can find." Sky hears when she walks into a room and sees Meredith standing at a patient's bed

Sky: "What are you doing?"

Meredith: "Tension pneumo. This guy's freaking out."

Sky: "Step away, Grey." she sighs before moving her out the way

Man: "Uh...14-guage? 16-guage?"

Sky and Meredith: "The biggest needle you can find!"

Sky: "Okay. Get this man a chest tube. And next time, call your resident."

Man: "I'm sorry. I-I thought that she was a resident."

Sky: "No, she is not a resident. She was fired by this hospital. Had this man died under her care, the hospital would be sued, you would be sued, hell, maybe even I would be sued. Now get this man a chest tube, and, Grey, get the hell outta here." she snaps in annoyance making Meredith walk away

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