Girl Meets Permanent Record

Start from the beginning

once we were outside I placed my notebook back in my bag and looked at Lucas who looked mad "really your made it was one class nothing bad is going to happen" I said as Lucas looked uneasy "can you just promise me that this won't happen again" Lucas said as I nodded looking him right in the eye "yes Lucas friar I promise you I will not skip class again" I said as he nodded "okay good" he said as I chuckled lightly and we continued to look at each other I don't know but he's gotten older like he no longer looks like he did in middle school he's changed I never noticed that until this moment but my phone going off interrupted our little moment I reached down into my bag and looked at it "oh my god the school called my mother" I said in shock "really what did she say" he said taking my phone and read it "I got a call from school Danielle Matthews get home now we have to have a little talk about skipping classes" he said as I looked at him in shock "remember me"

well I didn't get killed but I got a big lecture and was grounded for a week and during that week I can't see Aiden expect in school and I also got my cell phone taken away after supper I couldn't have desert either which sucked because it was strawberry's and whipped cream which was my favourite and I'm pretty sure mom planned that last minute just to torture me more so I just went to my room did my homework and went to sleep the next day I went to school and I have to write an apology letter to senora Feinstein chang about skipping her class and of course it had to be in Spanish so I was at the table writing it well without my phone I managed to finish it faster I walked back to my room and saw everybody already in there "whoa what did I miss" I asked putting my books on my bed "we're losers now" Lucas said as I looked at him, farkle, and riley and nodded and then looked at the other three of our group "and let me guess you guys are the stars now" I asked and they all nodded with big smiles on their faces "wow that was a change" I said as everyone looked at me "what" I asked "what side are you on" smackle asked as I looked down at the floor "oh huh I don't know in middle school I was fine with just being in the middle" I said walking to the middle of them "but now" Lucas asked as I looked around "I don't know maybe it's time for a change"

The next day riley stayed up all night studying I slowly got up and walked to my closet and just slowly got ready I didn't even say goodbye or have breakfast I just left to school maybe seeing Aiden would put me in a better mood we were currently walking around the hallways "I'm sorry I got you in trouble" he said as I shook my head "no it's okay it was my choice and plus it was fun breaking the rules now I know why Maya did it so many times in middle school" I said smiling as Aiden smiled at me too "yeah doing bad things is cool at times but I don't want you to get in trouble because of me I want your family and friends to like me they might think I'm some bad influence on you" Aiden said as the bell rang for class "come on" he said and we went to all of our classes but I was still feeling off after school me and riley were sitting on our floor thinking about stuff "dani why did you skip class" she asked as I signed "I don't know just felt like something to do at the moment you know your the fourth person to ask me that and I can't think of a straight forward answer" I said looking at her but before I could ask her my question farkle came into our window and sat on the bench "what are you gonna do about smackle" she asked him "I got a real problem here I could raise my level but I know if I do it will only make her raise her level too" farkle said "but won't you both be better off for it" riley asked him "yeah what good is life unless it throws a smackle in your face" farkle said making me smile "farkle I don't think our permanent records begins in high school" riley said "it has to matter what grades we got in middle school" farkle said "it has to matter that who we were affects who we are you chose smackle because you want to raise your level that's who you are" riley said as I sensed my moment "what are you gonna do about Spanish class riles" I asked her "i'm going to have to raise my level too I was once a pretty good student you were always the smartest student in the class and you dani we're always the middle man but that's not good enough" riley said to us "I know you'd say that" farkle said as he looked at us "why" riley asked "because you've always been riley that's your permanent record" farkle said as he then turned to me "and you dani skipping classes that's not the dani we all know" he said as I looked down "yeah I know but maybe my permanent record is changing too" I said getting up and walked out of the room

I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror I needed a change i mean i was in high school now change is an good then an idea quickly came to me Aiden did buy me some pretty earrings I went back to my room and grabbed them I smiled as I noticed riley was studying then I walked back into the bathroom
"riley dani dinner" I heard my mom call out I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror I felt different I mean it was little change but it felt good and with that I walked to the kitchen mom was the first one to see me "oh my god what did you do" she asked as dad turned and saw it as well "do you like it" I asked them and mom shook her head "no I do not like it you stabbed a hole in your nose" she said coming forward and looking at my nose "did it hurt" auggie asked as I nodded "a little like a needle from the doctor" I said sitting down at the table while dad just continued to stare at me and mom was getting angry "dani you can keep it till after supper then after you go back to that bathroom and you remove it" she said as I signed "no mom I like it and I want to keep it" I said as everyone started to back away slowly "it might have been different if you would have asked" mom said as I signed "no it wouldn't have it would have been a no" I said as mom looked at me "dani you are beautiful you do not need to do something like piercing your nose" mom said as I signed "this isn't about beauty or anything like that" I said as she signed "then what is it about" she asked "it's about a change being someone new I don't want my entire permanent record to be dani the middle man" I said as she started to soften I think I was getting her to understand where I was coming from "I wanted some kind of change and I'm sorry I should have asked but sometimes it's better to ask for an apology than permission" I said as mom looked away trying to hide her smile "lawyer's daughter you pick up a few things" I said as mom signed then looked at dad "okay yes I understand the need for a change maybe a different hair color or something I would have been better with but since it is already done I guess I have no choice but to allow it but you have to promise to clean it property and if it starts feeling like something is wrong I want you to take it out" mom said as I jumped up and ran over to hug her "thank you mom and I promise next time I will handle it differently" I said as she scoffed "there better not be a next time" she said as I laughed and then we all went on to eat dinner

The next day I was feeling a lot better especially with my new nose piercing my friends were all stunned by it but in the end they all liked it Aiden liked it as well and i even got my phone back though I was still grounded me and Aiden were slowly walking to Spanish class when I felt him pull me back "hey I'm thinking of skipping again but don't worry you don't have to come with me I don't want you to get in more trouble" he said as I thought about it "no I want to come with you" I said as he looked at me "Are you sure you could get in more trouble" he said as I just shrugged "sometimes it's better to ask for an apology than permission besides my mom said I could dye my hair I think I need to go shopping for that new color" I said as Aiden smiled "okay come on" he said and together we left I was once again feeling that feeling I felt when I skipped the first time and when I pierced my nose without permission it was a good feeling and something I wanted to experience just a little bit more

once I knew Spanish class was over me and Aiden were heading back to school I had the hair dye in my bag and just as I got to my locker I felt my phone ring and just like that the guilt came back and that feeling disappeared as I read the text I received from Lucas "You broke your promise"

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