"Yeah, and?" I ask her.

"You don't have anything to wear for tonight!" She says as if it's an obvious problem.

"Looks like I'll have to raid your closet again," I say and she smiles as if she was thinking the same thing.

The rest of the day flies by and after school is over I ride with Lin to her house. I don't even look in the closet, I just sit on her bed as I let her pick out an outfit for me. She pulls out a long-sleeved, maroon lace crop top.

"This would look great with your black skinny jeans," she says and I smile, agreeing with her outfit choice.

We head back to my house to get ready since my jeans are there. I change and she curls my hair again and it falls longer than my shirt. She puts a lot of makeup on me and makes me wear the combat boots again. Next, she changes herself and is wearing her leather skirt with tights again and a long-sleeved, purple crop top. She throws on studded combat boots with a large heel to complete the outfit. She doesn't even have to curl her long, black hair since it is already curly and wild.

When we finish getting ready, it is 7 and we head over to Tate's. We walk this time because she wants to drink and says that I should too. I haven't decided if I'm going to though. As we walk up to the house, there is a sea of people inside and out of the house. Allof them holding different colored Solo cups and I wonder how these parties never get busted.

As soon as we get inside, Lin spots Michael and runs to hug him. I spot the other boys next to him and walk over to them, hugging them as usual. They are all three already drinking and have been for a while since their cups are now almost empty.

"Hello gorgeous," Calum says sloppily as he throws his arm around me. I can tell that he is already feeling the effects of whatever he is drinking.

He takes his arm off immediately and we both turn around as we hear a deep voice clear their throat. Tate is standing there, smiling down at me. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me cheek before asking me to dance. We all make our way to the dance floor, Lin dancing with Michael and Calum and Ashton even find their own girls to dance with.

I don't know how long we've been dancing, but I start to get a little sweaty. I look around the room and easily spot that blonde hair that gives me a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Luke is standing against the wall with his arm wrapped around a new girl and I'm not surprised. As he finally sees me, he looks me up and down before giving me a dirty look. He also notices Tate and shakes his head disapprovingly.

I break my gaze as I feel Tate's breath on my neck. "I wanna show you something," I hear him whisper in my ear. I look up again and see Luke, still staring at me. I smirk at him before letting Tate lead me out of the room with his hand entwined with mine.

He leads me up the stairs and to a door where he pulls out a key to unlock. He opens the door and smiles as he motions for me to go inside. I walk into a bedroom, which I can easily tell is his.

"You wanted to show me your room?" I giggle as I look around and sit on his bed.

"I just wanted to get away from the party for a few minutes," he walks over to me and puts his hands on my chin, lifting it up to look at him. It is a lot quieter in here, but I can feel the bass pounding underneath my feet.

"Yeah it is kind of relaxing in here," I say as he sits next to me. All of a sudden my words are interrupted as he presses his lips hard up against mine. I can taste the alcohol on his lips and am disgusted by how our first kiss is going.

I pull away from him and he looks angry. "Tate, you're drunk," I say as I hold onto his shoulders.

"Yeah, so?" He says as he tries to kiss me again.

I dodge him and start to get annoyed. "I don't want our first kiss to be a drunken kiss, I wanted it to mean something at least."

"Oh screw that, I've wanted to get you alone ever since I first met you." He pushes me back onto his bed and crawls on top of me. He roughly kisses my neck as I struggle to get him off of me.

"Tate, get off of me," I yell and push but he doesn't budge.

I am silenced again when his lips are pressed hardly against mine. His kisses are sloppy and wet and before I know it, he is forcing his tongue down my throat. His hands run free all over my body and I feel violated when he shoots them straight up my shirt. I refuse to kiss him back and knee him in the crotch, this time making him move. He rolls off of me in pain and I fly off of the bed.

"You're disgusting," I say as I walk out of the room and slam the door shut.

Suddenly, I realize what could have happened in there and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I feel the tears coming, but try to hold them back as best I can. I run downstairs to try and find Lin or the boys, but am out of luck. I am now standing in the middle of the dancefloor, people are pushing me and the lights are making me dizzy. Everything becomes a blur and I feel as if I'm going to pass out. I try my best to escape the crowd but as soon as I move I am knocked over. I fall on the floor and that's when the tears come. My breathing is heavy and I feel as if I am going to run out of air.

Out of nowhere I feel a hand grab mine and pull me up. I look at the large hand and try to follow it up the arm to see who it belongs to, but everything is blurry from my tears and the lights are flashing so much that I can barely see the people next to me. I throw my head back and close my eyes as I am being lead somewhere that I don't know.

The next thing I know, I open my eyes and see the stars above me. I am lightly pushed up against the brick wall outside of the house. I look back down and see Luke with his arms on either side of my head, not letting me escape.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I can tell he is holding back his anger as best he can.

"I should ask you the same thing," I snap back. I still feel like I am going to puke and my cheeks are now soaked with tears that have finally stopped falling, for the moment.

"Me? What's wrong with me?" He is now yelling. Luckily no one is around to see the scene he is causing. "I just saved your ass from getting trampled! And I know what happened with Tate, I tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen to me!" His blue eyes are now a dark grey and I can see the anger in them.

"You don't know shit," I say calmly and look away from him, not able to take his hard gaze.

He laughs. He actually laughs. "I saw you go into his room with him and then I saw you storm out, looking like a hot mess. I also know how Tate is. It's not that hard to know what was about to happen in that room," he is quieter now.

"Why did you follow me? What I do and who I do it with is none of your concern," I look back at him and he is silent now. "Why do you even care? You're always rude to me and I never did anything to you!" I am yelling and pushing my finger into his chest with every word I say. "You come out of nowhere, are a total ass to me, then try to tell me how to live my life," I laugh at my statement. "How dare yo-"

I am cut off by his lips pressed against mine. At first I am in complete shock and just stand there with wide eyes. But his hands now tangle themselves in my hair and I let my eyes fall shut. I kiss him back, parting my lips as his tongue slowly enters my mouth. His body is pressed against mine and the kiss grows very rough.

As quick as it happened, it is now over. When I open my eyes he is gone and I have to wonder if I was imagining the whole thing. I touch my lips that are still warm and wet from what just happened and know that it was real. My thoughts are all over the place. I look around to see where he went but am left alone outside. I fall back onto the wall and slide down it, holding my knees as I try to process what was going on.

What the hell just happened?

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