KiriBaku ~ It's Too Cold

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Fluffy oneshot cause I love fluff and it just hits differently

Also, the header has nothing to do with the story I just really love the art style and everything and I'm sorry

So the scenario is : it's winter and the heater broke in the dorms

If anyone wants to write their own story based off of the scenario then feel free to do so just tag me :)

Bakugou POV

It's the middle of goddamn winter and the heater decided to break. The entire dorm is freezing cold and no one can do anything about it. Half-n-half's fine, of course that bastards fine he has a fire quirk! Frog girl's almost gone into hibernation, damn deku keeps on complaining, and now Shitty Hair and Soy Sauce have joined in! I don't think I can survive much longer like this. I'm not that cold, probably because I have a heat related quirk, but everyone else is and it's getting on my nerves.

Great, now Shitty Hair's coming towards me.

"Bakugouuuuuu it's so coldddd!!" He whined in my face like he didn't care if it annoyed me. Some nerve he has.

"That's not my problem Shitty Hair, and if you know what's good for you, you would leave me alone!" I snapped at him. The entire day has been shit so far and his whining has brought me over the edge. Of course, being him, he decided to continue trying to pick a fight he won't win and inched closer to me.

"Bakugou! You're basically a bag of heat! Must be your quirk..."

"That's really observant of you Shitty Hair, but that doesn't mean you can continue complaining to me about you own damn problems!"

"Come onnnnnnnn, you're no fun brooooo, all I need is a little heat!"

"Jesus christ... FINE take my sweater you idiot if you're really that cold!"
I don't know what came over me. He was pushing my last button and I just wanted him to get away from me.

Shitty Hair smiled and made grabby hands towards me, making it clear he was taking me up on the offer. God, what have I done! Of anyone finds him in my sweater I'll never hear the end of it.

I slip the sweater off of me and hand it to him, refusing to look him in the eye. I was kinda pissed. Not necessarily at him but at everything today.

He grabs the sweater out of my hands and puts it on, snuggling into it. He sighed in relief. He's kind of cute right now... No. I refuse to think those kinds of thoughts. I push the idea very far back into my head and turn my head towards Shitty Hair, giving him a death look.

"If you get even one stain on that hoodie, I will personally make sure you will never feel warm again."

"Aye aye captain!" He gave me a fake salute and smiled.


He ran off after that, probably to either go do something stupid with Pikachu or go pester some more people with his complaining. I hope for his sake that it's the latter because if he's still cold after I gave him my hoodie he would regret ever taking it in the first place. I'm now scrolling through Instagram on my phone. Not like I have anything better to do. I already studied for all of my classes and it's a Saturday, so it's a free day.

I eventually made my way up to my dorm and decided to exersize a bit. It would warm me up and I would be able to train a bit. I quickly notice that my room is not equipped for training. Where could I go to excersize then??? Shitty hair! His room has a punching bag and weights! It'll probably be way better than my room!

I made my way next door to his room. I knocked once before grabbing the handle and pushing the door open. I know that Shitty Hair never locks his door anyways. He was sitting on his bed when I barged in and his face was terrified for a second. He probably realised it was me and he calmed down a bit.

"What are you doing in my dorm Bakugou?"

"I want to train. You have better stuff than me for that, so I'm going to use it."

I spent the next hour or so just in his room using his equipment. Eventually, I was getting sleepy and made my way back to my room to take a shower and go to bed. When I got into bed, I relished in the heat that came with my covers. Sure, my body is naturally warm, but my hoodie was doing most of the work, but I gave it to Shitty Hair. That left me with nothing but my tee shirt to warm me, and my tee shirt was doing a really crappy job at it.

I fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up the next day with my entire body uncovered and shivering from the cold. Damn my sleeping habits. I tend to move a lot in my sleep, and this is the result. I tried to cover myself to warm up but to no avail. I ended up just getting out fo bed and searching through my drawer for another hoodie. Jesus Christ the hoodie I gave Shitty Hair was my last one. Guess I'll have to be cold for today.

I got up and went to go eat breakfast in the kitchen. Deku, Four Eyes, and Round Face were already there. They all said good morning to me and I just grumbled in response. It's too early for this. I got some cereal and poured it into the bowl before pouring mild in afterwards. If you put milk before cereal then you are a dumbass and a coward and can go spend the rest of your days alone with your own pitiful existence.

I took my cereal and walked over to the couch before sitting down. I was still shivering, and it seemed even colder here than it was in my room. There was no way I would admit that though. People would think I'm weak and those extras wouldn't ever let me forget it! I sat there, coldly eating my cereal and scrolling through Instagram, again. We have yet another free day and I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.

Eventually, Shitty Hair comes waltzing in happy as a clam, still wearing my hoodie. Jesus Christ, did he sleep in that? He comes up to me and puts his arm around me as he sits down beside me.

"Mornin' Bakugou!"

"Get out of my face Shitty Hair"

He started to pout and I almost felt guilty for what I said. Almost.

"Hey, you're shivering... Are you cold?" He looked me up and down "you're wearing next to nothing!"

"Maybe I wouldn't be shivering if your dumbass didn't feel cold yesterday and force me to give you my hoodie!"

He sat there for a second thinking before getting up and walking away swiftly. I thought I scared him off and continued to stare at my phone. He eventually came back though, and he was holding a blanket in his arms.

"What the fudge Shitty Hair? Why do you have a blanket with you?"

"It's for you! You're cold, and a blanket will warm you up!"

He handed me the blanket and then sat back down beside me. I took it and wrapped myself with it. I got comfortable and then turned on the TV that was in front of us. I was still shivering even after having the blanket on me for an hour. It just wasn't thick enough to warm me up.

"Shitty Hair get over here" I grumbled at him. He gave em a confused look before moving closer to me. I grabbed the blanket and pulled sit over both of us as before pulling him so he was right up against me. Screw my internalised homophobia, I'm cold and he's warm.

He doesn't fight against it and we sit like that for hours. He eventually gets even closer and we're cuddling by the end of the day. Anyone who passed by us either tried to take a picture and was yelled at by me, squeeled, or just smiled. No one told us off or gave us any shit. Good. I ended up falling asleep with my arm wrapped around this red head that was in my lap.

Ok so im sorry if this was bad, it's my first one shot and I wrote at like 1 am so yee

Also, ik I switched between past tense and present tense way too many times but honestly I'm too sleep deprived to go back and fix it soooooooooooo it's just gonna stay like that it's still understandable I hope

Also my spelling gets progressively worse by the end so just, point out any mistakes where I made them and I'll fix them, but I don't feel like going back rn to edit and fix so just yeah. Point out the mistakes and they'll get fixed, and if you don't they won't get fixed :/

Ok anyways I hope you enjoyed I sure did enjoy writing some fluff for my fav ship (even tho every other ship involving these two is also good, this one's still my fav sry)



Mha/Bnha One-shots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora