Chatper 6

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Leonardo Reyes, a 13 year old boy attending his final day of the glorious eighth grade, wears his clip on wolf tail and fake fangs stuck to his teeth via sueprglue with pride and glory. 

It s a big day for him, andhe couldnt be happier to be finally done with this hell called Middle school. Mounting the setgss dfpf the schhool, he dedcided that today would be the day that he finally stands up for himself against his notorious school bully named Chadrick. He's on the school football team and is a total loser. He's so rude and annoyginad and always smells bad. He always taunts Leo wolf tail and the way he dresses and also the way he does his makeup. Leo decided that today, he was going to beat him up and get back at him for all the emotionalt rauma he put him through the entirety of his middle school life aka hell life.

Leo went to his locker that morning just to stand by the open door and seem like a cool guy. He was waiting around for his best friend aka girlfriend named Emmy, who is super cool and also black. 

Leo ujsually waited for her in the mornings to spend the little time with her that he could spend with her, since he really liked spending time with her. Though that morning she wasnt at school for some reason. So all his waiting was for nothing. He was pretty sad about it., but then remembered he ahd to be cool today to beat up that guy named Chadrick. He cant get his hopes crushed yet,. he still have a job to do today/.

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