Chapter Three: Sex(not)

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I felt the sudden urge to pee my pants right then and there so I gave in and peed all over the floor. She looked at me with confusion and major disgust as I went peepee.

"Why the fuck did you just do that for." She spat at me, very angery at the fact I had just peed on the floor of the Firelink Shrine.. oops

Now i had this big mess to clean up because she was very mad at me for what i ha done to disrespect the place she lived and also where the thrones of the big boys had been built many m,an y yesr s ahgo.

She told me if i didnt clean up the pee, she would tell her dad and he would call my dad and i would have to go home, but i really didnt want to go home so i started to clean up the pee with paer towels while she played on her nintendo ds. 

I began to cry feverishily while wiping up the pee. She looked up and asked me what was wrong and I said that i was sorry for peeing on her floor. She then came over and told me to shut the fuck up and just keep cleaning it up because it started to smell. I continued to clean it up like she told me to, while surpressing my tears

Then her dad came in and asked us what we wanted for dinner and saw me cleaning pee off the floor and her standing over me watching me clean the pee. 


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