Chapter Two:

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"Many, many many travels I have taken, madame. Too many for me to tell the tales of." I said proudly.

She looked surprised, a hand moving up to slightly cover her mouth. "I did not know that you left your house!" She exclaimed, seemingly mocking me.

I was offended, how could she say that about me? It's true, I have been on countless journeys and expeditions, so many that sometimes I do not even remember them! I let out a quiet scoff. "No need to be so rude, milady.." I muttered, not looking at her as I sheathed my sword and stood up straight.

She didn't look phased by my statement at all, continuing to give me the same look and vibe as before. "Bro, don't take everything so hard all the time. Lighten up a little bit." She said, seeming to be annoyed with my behavior.

I quickly tried to recollect myself, I didn't want to appear to be snobby or disrespectful in front of such a beautiful woman. She was like a goddess in my eyes, the way her clothes fit her so nicely, along with the way her hair fell so neatly upon her shoulders. Don't even get me started on the way her hands look so soft, and how I just want to take them into my rough, calloused, very dry, overworked hands, and hold her petite model-esque hands within mine. 

"Apologies, miss.. I did not mean to upset you over a statement so small.." I said quietly, feeling my face burn up within my helmet as I thought about what it would be like if I could just hold her hand within mine. 

"Shut the fuck up cracker.." She spoke harshly, anger and annoyance seething from her as she scolded me for my behavior towards her. 

I merely flinched at the sound of her stern tone, though I did my best not to show it. 

To be continued.

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