Chapter 1

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Lisa's P.O.V.

The rustling sound woke me up from my deep sleep and I groaned in annoyance and sit up on my bed. Who the heck!! disturb my fucking sleep.. I look around in the room to see my twin brother leaning in the wall with his cross arms while looking at me.

"You disturb my fucking sleep!!" I annoyingly said and lie back again on my bed.

"Mom asked me to wake you up lis" He said while walking to approach me and sit in my bed.. Liam is my twin brother and He's the good one in the two of us. He likes to read books and lock himself in his room.

Were to opposite to each other. Let say I'm the bad guy here. I love trouble,Drinking and messing around. But we stick together like Batman and Robin. We have each other back or we say he was helping me all the time when I get in trouble.. He was only few minutes older than me but his acting like a big brother to me so I call him hyung for treating me like a brother not a sister.

"Did you drink again last night lis?" He raise his eye brows and crunched her nose when he smell me.

"It's my friend birthday last night Hyung" I explain and look him with my puppy eyes that I know he can't resist.. He sighed and stood up from my bed.

"Get ready now. Mom is waiting downstairs"I nod as he walk. I'm about to lie down again he turn around and give me a warning look..

"You should get down in 15 minutes if you don't want me to ban you for playing your PS5" My eyes widen and stood up on my bed immediately.. I'm a bad ass but I'm afraid to my twin.. He likes dad when he gets angry.

"Okay-Okay I will get ready now hyung"I said and immediately go in the bathroom..

After a quick shower I rampage on my closet to find a best outfit for today. But my headache is killing me and I don't have a mood to choose so I just grab some hoodie and rip jeans before I wore my shoes and go down stairs.. I hope Liam won't tell mom that I sneak out again last night. I don't want to hear some nagging this early, with this fucking head ache.

"Good morning" I mumbled as I took a sit in the table and put some food in my plate.

"You know that you have school Lisa. You should behave like a student and wake up early" Mom bark and I rolled my eyes while eating quietly.. This is my morning routine being scolded by mom or sometimes from dad.. Always comparing me to Liam.. Liam good at this and that.. I know that I'm not good like Liam but they should support me as they child too.. But they don't see me as one.. Well I'm used to it already nothings new..

"I tried my best to wake up early tomorrow. Thanks for the breakfast.. I'm going now" I bow and grab my bag as i stood up from the table and fish out key from my pocket..

"Lis wait!" Liam stop me from walking by holding me by my shoulder ..

"You don't need to pity on me hyung I know that your their favorite.. thanks btw that you didn't tell mom about last night"I tap her hands and walk to my BMW R nine motorcycle and hop in..

"See you at school dude" I joked and fake smile to him before I drove off..


I park my motorcycle in the school parking lot and see my fans waving at me.They are decreasing day by day . I got down and took my helmet off from my head and wink at them..  I was in the mood but it changed  when I saw the group of Jack ass who's walking their way to me..

"I can't understand those girls why they like a asshole like you" Kai said the leader of the jack asses while looking at the bunch of girls and smirk at me..

"Co's I'm not a dog like you Kai" I said and smirk at him. He get's annoyed in what I said and  immediately punch me but Im quick and dodge his punch before i punch him back. His friends is just watching us while the two of us fighting until we heard a whistle from behind.. Kai Lose his grip on my collar and face the angry kitten. He smile sweetly to her and wink. I cringe and fix my hoodie before i wipe the blood in my lips and grab my bag..

"You two in the guidance now!!" Jennie angrily said and storm off.

"I really love Monday" I sarcastically said and bump Kai in the shoulder before I followed Jennie.


"Who start the fight" Jennie asked the two of us and we point each other.

"Won't you asked if I miss you first Kim" I joked that earn a deadly glared from Jennie.

"Stop joking around manoban!!"

"She's the one who started it Jen" Kai said and act like a good boy. I smirk while looking at him. I can't believed this asshole.. He really good at acting.. Jennie raise her eye brows and glared at me.. They look me weirdly as I laugh and clap my hands..

"You should apply to be an actor kai. Co'z your good at acting" He growl and about to approach me when Jennie slap the table loud enough to get our attention and look to her.

"Enough you two!! I give you tasks and that is cleaning the gym for one week. Monday,Tuesday for Kai and Thursday, Friday for you" I growl and face Jennie.

"That's not fare Kim!.. Kai is the one who start the fight so I don't have a fault her"

"hmf such a baby" Kai said and smirk at me..

"What did you said Kai" I stood up from the chair and glared at Kai.

"That's enough manoban, or you want me to include the Wednesday too?"Jennie challenged and look annoyed at me.. I heave a sighed and smile with my toothy grin at her that annoyed her always and sit back on the chair.

"You two can go now and don't forget your tasks. I will checked the two of you" She said with a warn look and fix her things on the table..

"Can I took you in your room jen?" This dog asked Jennie and smiled sweetly to her.. tsk such a fake..

"I can manage myself Kai you can go now" I laugh as i walk past Kai
and teased him.



"I know you are sleepy but it's not necessary to sleep while our teacher is discussing in the front manoban" I groaned when I heard this kitten said beside me. my headache is raging and I'm just taking a little nap but this kitten really likes to disturb me. I forget that were classmate and a seatmate.. I sit properly and face her.

"Do you really like me that much to get my attention Kim?" I teased and raise my brows playfully at her.. She rolled her eyes and glared at me.. I really like to teased this kitten and enjoy her annoyed face..

"Your too full of yourself manoban.."

"Thank you Kim" I joked and smile sweetly to her..

"Can you shut up! manoban I'm concentrating her" She said whispered in annoyed tone and look in the front.

"Wow! you the first one who talk to me Kim and now your shooing me wow I can't believe you"

"I just did my duty as a President manoban. and being a president I should correct you from your disrespectful behavior and last I don't want to see your face in the guidance" I fake touch and clap my hands quitely not to get attention while facing her.

"Wow!! You should be thankful that you have the opportunity to see this face kitten. Many girls in this school are dying to get close to me just to see this face. Your lucky one kitten" I wink at her and avoid her gaze.. I was laughing mutely and my tummy is already aching from it. Thank god my head ache is gone now..

"Arggh!! I regrit that I sit here next to you and stop calling me kitten I have a name, stupid monkey" She mumbled and whisper the last word but I clearly heard it.. I get enough of teasingh her so I just look in the front and fucos on the teacher..

How is it lovess?

I said that I will not update this if I didn't finish the other book but, I have a lot of ideas on mind for this book so i made this chapter before I lost that idea in mind 😅..

I hope you like and support this book too 😊..

Stay Safe loveesss🖤💛💙❤.

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