3-The project

236 10 2

December 20th
Elsa POV

I wake up, looking forward to seeing that white haired guy. He still haven't told me his name, but that's ok. I tried once but he didn't respond. Does he like me? Does he despise me? I hop out of bed and get ready for school. I wanted to get there early.

I walk into school and go straight to no more fear. We had assigned seats, and mine was next to him. I was happy to see him, but he didn't even look at me. Much less talk to me. I look at him and listen. We were being told that you need love to get rid of fear, but I didn't care.

I ran to my next class and saved White Hair (my new name for him) a seat. When he got here, he sat down and I smiled. I was glad he was in time.

"Ok class, today I will pair you up, and you will do a partner drawing." She starts reading names and she said "Elsa winter, and...... Mmmmm.....Jack Frost." The guy next to me looked up and tried to protest, but the teacher was not paying attention.

Everyone was paired, but I had no idea who Jack Frost was. Soon the boy next to me said "H-h-hi, I'm J-Jack F-F-F-Frost."

"Ohhhh, that's your name. Nice to meet you. I'm Elsa."

"What do you like to draw?" This guy wasn't as interesting as I imagined.

"My powers controlled."

"Really, me too!" Wow, I'm good at this.

"Well, let's start drawing!" We started drawing.

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