
362 11 4

December 9th
Elsa POV

I get out of bed for my first day of school, power school to be exact. I have ice powers, and I can't control them. Well...... So says my parents. I used to be in control until I was devoured in fear. BTW my powers are ones that come out of my hands and create ice in a general area.

As I walk into school everyone started whispering "New girl", "Jack Frost" and "Perfect couple." Wow, only been here for 2 seconds and I already have a 'perfect mate'. Who was this Jack Frost anyway? I thought, but tried to ignore the question and went to the principal to get my schedule.

First class, No more fear. Wow, perfect.

I walk into class and am forced to sit next to this guy with white hair. He looks at me and turns. I guess he doesn't want to talk. I listen to how to get rid of fear, but I really don't care. only if this is the first step.

Seconded class, art. Again, white haired guy and I sat next to him. Not optional. We learned how to get our fear, anger, and any other emotion that will effect our powers, on paper. BORING.

Third class, control. Fun......Not. Again, with the white haired boy? Ugh.

I got to class and sat next to him, on purpose this time. "what is your name?" I whispered but had no response. I got called up to build something with my powers. I built a snowman. ⛄️

The projects (JELSA)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora