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Mark largely keeps to himself the majority of the day. Donghyuck would occasionally ask him why he's so quiet or if he was okay, but Mark would hastily pass it off as him being tired from a lack of sleep the night before. Part of Mark feels bad for lying, but he knows that telling Donghyuck what was on his mind would either stir up trouble or put him in danger.

The truth was: Mark no longer trusted Donghyuck.

The more he thinks about Donghyuck's strange behaviour, the disturbing finds he made, and the inexplicable occurrences that were happening, the more he believed Donghyuck was involved in whatever was going on.

The most logical conclusion Mark found himself piecing together was that Donghyuck murdered the previous owners of the cabin using his gun. He did not know how exactly it happened or why he did it, nor did he know why their bodies were far away from the bloodied axe and rock, but something told Mark that the owners might not be the only people he's killed. What if Donghyuck was storing the bodies inside the shed, leaving them to rot in there while keeping Mark in a state of ignorance? But he had known Donghyuck for nearly ten years. He never once showed any signs of being a violent person. Maybe that's what he wanted him to believe...

No matter what, Mark knew he needed to check the shed. There was a reason Donghyuck wanted him to stay inside and far away from it, and he was determined to find out.

So there Mark stands, just in front of the door to the cabin. He takes a deep, shaky breath as he mentally prepares himself to find out what was being hidden away in the shed.

Mark slowly opens the door, glancing repeatedly towards the hallway that leads into his and Hyuck's room as he prays that the tanned man doesn't hear and come running to stop him. He slips through and shuts the door quietly behind him. He clicks on his flashlight and aims it directly towards the shed. He examines the boards for a moment before jogging down the porch steps. Instead of heading towards it, Mark takes a turn and races to get to the axe beside the wood pile.

As Mark approaches the wood pile, he expects the axe to be—at the very least—beside one of the piles. But it wasn't. It was in the same exact spot Mark had last seen it. It appeared to have not even been touched. Mark feels his stomach sink, though he's not fully certain why. He hastily picks up the axe in his free hand and takes off in the direction of the shed. Leaves and twigs crunch loudly beneath his feet, but he pays it no mind. He was dead set on getting into the shed as fast as possible, and nothing was going to stop him.

As Mark reaches the shed, he comes to a halt. He takes another glance at the boards and finds that they are crudely nailed to the doorframe. He can tell that effort was put in, but surely he could manage to use the blade of the axe to help pry it open.

Mark drops his flashlight and jams the blade between the top board and the right side of the frame. He begins using all of his strength to yank at the wood and knock the nails loose. After several pulls of the axe's handle, the board breaks free on one side. Mark tosses the axe to the ground and gets a good grip on the board. In one strained pull, the piece of wood crackles and is torn form the doorframe. Mark tosses it aside without any care for where it lands. It hits the ground with a heavy thump, and Mark hastily grabs the axe to get working on the second board.

Upon prying the second off, Mark throws it and picks up both the axe and the flashlight at once. Whatever was inside, he wasn't about to face it, unprepared. Mark reaches for the right handle and cautiously pulls open the corresponding door he opens a gap wide enough to step inside and enters, pointing the beam of light directly in front of him.

The light lands on a sight Mark would never expect to see in a million years. He brings his hands to his mouth in horror as he drops both the axe and the flashlight. Mark lets out an ear-piercing scream as his sanity instantly plummets into oblivion.

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