Promise - Dhawan!Master x Reader

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You stood with your arms crossed as you watched the Master dance around the console as he plotted in the coordinates to the next planet he wanted to desolate.

"Tell me again why I have to stay here?"

The Master let out an exasperated sigh. "Because I don't want to be distracted by you trying to get yourself killed. Again."

You threw your hands to your sides in frustration. Why did he keep bringing that up? That was months ago and nothing happened. Well, apart from you nearly got decapitated, but how were you supposed to know that the kid you insulted was the crown prince? God, the Master was really starting to rub off on you.

"I promise I'll be careful this time. I'll stick to you like glue and keep my mouth shut. How's that? Please, just let me help you." You grabbed a hold of his arm when he didn't reply and forced him to look at you. "And just so you know, if you do leave me here, I'll just follow you anyway, I've done it before."

"And what's to stop me from tying you up?" Your faced flushed at the thought and the Master grinned as he delve into your mind and saw all the dirty thoughts that circulated. He came closer to you and whispered in your ear. "You do exactly what I say and if you're good, I'll make your fantasies a reality." Before you could stutter a reply the Master bounded out the Tardis with you following close behind.


How long had you been on this planet? Not even thirty minutes and the Master had managed to start a war, that must have been a new record. You pushed your sore limbs to go faster as you tried to catch up to the Master who was just a head of you. He turned to see where you were and made a motion to tell you to hurry up. Relief filled you when the Master's Tardis came into view, but it was short lived as an explosion threw you off your feet. The adrenaline in your veins forced you to stand, but you stumbled you on your knees when you saw that your path had become blocked by debris.

"(Y/n)!" You heard the Master's voice as he clambered up the other side of the debris and appeared at the top. His eyes were wide as he scanned your body for any injuries. "There's no way around, you're going to have to climb!"

"I can't!" You said instantly as you took in the hazardous wall of rocks and metal.

"Yes you can! You're going to do it right now or I'll leave you behind!" There was no way to tell how serious he was, but the fear of being left behind motivated you to climb. You arms and legs screamed with the strain. The Master held out his hand to you as he guided you to him. "Just a little higher, (Y/n)!" You stretch out your own hand as you scaled the last few rocks to the top. A broken sob left your lips as you felt his hand in your own, but it soon turned into scream as you felt something grab a hold of your legs and pull.

"Master!" You screamed as you were yanked away from his hold.

"(Y/n)!" The Master tried to get to you, but the aliens that had grabbed you fired plasma bullets in his direction. He brought out his TCE, but it was blown from his hands. Your eyes connected and you saw a promise in his eyes that he would come back for you before he disappeared over the wall of debris.


The Master ran back to his Tardis and piloted her into flight. He would be damned if he let you die. How was it that a human like you could have such a hold in him? He was brought out of his thoughts when the cloister bell sounded.

"No no no!" For some reason, he couldn't get the Tardis to land, but when the Master wanted something, nothing could get in his way. He opened up the time rota and put all the power into the engine. The Tardis groaned in protest as sparks flew from the console, but the Master didn't relent until the Tardis crashed through whatever it was that prevented him from landing. With a new TCE in hand, he sprinted towards the doors and threw them open. The landscape which greeted him was not what he had expected. Gone were the primitive huts now stood a gleaming city. "No, this can't be right." He ran back to the console. The coordinates were correct so why - it was then his eyes trailed to date. The Master's knees buckled beneath him - there was no way that you were still alive.

A knock on the door brought him out of his reprieve. He looked over to see one of the aliens that had kidnapped you and his anger flared. He grabbed the alien by the neck and forced it to kneel.

"Any last words?" He spat.

"The prophesy has been fulfilled."

"Prophesy? What prophesy?"

It was then that something caught his eye. He brushed past the alien and walked into what looked like a town square. He could feel its gaze burn into his back as his feet carried him to a statue that stood tall and proud over surrounded by crystal water and fresh flowers that bloomed around the base.

"She said you would come." The alien from before came to stand next to him. "She spoke of you often."

The Master eyes burned with unshed tears. "What happened to her?" He asked as he brought up his hand and cupped the statue's face.

"She set us free. When we took her, we had every intention to kill her,

but she showed us a better way. She learned of how we had been scorned and persecuted by a parasitic race that ruled over us. Her heart bled for our suffering and so she led a revolution that freed us. We made her our leader and we flourished in life and technology. Under her rule, we have gone out into the universe as healers to help the broken."

"That sounds like her." It took all the strength in him not to go on a murderous rampage.

"She left you this." The alien brought out a small device and handed it to him. The Master didn't even spare it a glance as he pocketed it in his jacket. He gave one last look to the statue before returning to the Tardis without a word. He couldn't hold in what he felt anymore as he screamed. Everything he touched - he destroyed. Oh, how he had wished he had told her sooner. How she had made him feel. How whole he had felt with her by his side and now he was hollow.

He went back to the console and put it flight.

There was no telling how long he tried to get back to her, but it was no use.

The Master crumpled to the floor in his ruined Tardis exhausted and defeated.

It was then he remembered what the alien had handed to him. He

pulled it out of his pocket. The device warmed to his touch.

"You took your time. I thought I was never going to be activated."

The Master's hearts clenched at the sound of your voice as he took in your ghostly projection. You looked a little older to how you were when he left you.

"What is this?"

"Cool, isn't it? Vestrians are geniuses! The formatted my consciousness into that device in your hand so when my body gave up with age I would be able to live on. Say something, please." The Master jerked away from the strange sensation of your touch before relaxing. Your hand waved over the device in his hand and you became solid.

"That's better. I -" You were suddenly crushed into a hug. The Master pulled away to press his forehead against your own.

For now, you both fell silent as the words that needed to be said could be uttered another time.

You closed your eyes and smiled.

He kept his promise.

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