Echo - Dhawan!Master x Reader (Part 1)

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"How are you here?" The Doctor said, still not over the shock of yet again being forced to look upon her burning home. You couldn't believe that it had been destroyed. You were there when the Doctor saved Gallifrey with his other selves.

"Take my hand." The Master demanded as he stood at the base of the boundary. Seeing him again cut you like a knife. A searing pain made itself known in your mind as you fought against the foreign feeling that threatened to tear down all your defences. "You too." He motioned for you to come closer. This took you by surprise.

"What do you want with me?" The Master fixed you with a piercing stare. There something in his eyes that you had never seen before and it caused goose bumps to ripple across your skin.

"Because it concerns you too. You are not who you think."


"Never." The Doctor spat. Took a stance in front of you.

"Take my hand or I turn them all into human dolls, right here."

"How have you managed to connect Gallifrey to the boundary?" It wasn't hard tell that the Master's patience was wearing thin.

"Fine. You really want me to show you I'm serious? Eeenie meanie miney miney." He pointed his tissue compressor at each of the people that stood behind you and the Doctor.

"Fine. I'll play your game. Take me and leave (Y/n) out of it."

"No can do. The both of you are coming with me or your precious humans will be cut down to size."

You walked to stand next to the Doctor and placed a hand on her shoulder. The conflict was clear in her eyes, but the both of you knew that you didn't have much choice.

"And it's not a game. Good luck, humans." He gripped you hand and pulled you through the boundary knowing the Doctor would follow. A gasp escaped you as it felt like you were being pulled through jelly. You stumbled as your feet met the red earth of Gallifrey. You heard the Doctor land behind you.

"Look upon my work, Doctor, (Y/n) and despair." You stood in between them as you gazed upon the ruins of the citadel. It was quiet. That was what you noticed immediately. You couldn't feel anything. The hums of thoughts were also absent and it was then when it finally sunk in. He had killed them all.

"Ask me why did I do this?" He asked the Doctor.

"Why did you do this?" Her eyes became glazed over as she tried to understand what would lead him to destruction.

"Not telling you."

"Why am I here?" You asked him again. "What has all this got to do with me?" You found yourself edging closer to him.

"I told you. You are not who you think."

"Stop being so cryptic!"

The Master laughed at your frustration as he took joy in getting under skin.

"It's time for you to know the truth."


2017 - The Tardis

"You know you can't trust her, right?" Nardole said as he stood, arms crossed in front of the Doctor.

"Oh, he knows it, Nardole, give it a rest." You stated from your seat on the stairs.

"I know you've been sneaking in there. The both of you." You froze at that.

"How did you know?" You thought you had been stealthy in your meeting with the timelord. Your gaze met the Doctor's as he leaned on the console. His expression gave away that he also knew.

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