Courage and Kisses - 13th Doctor

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Okay, (Y/n). It's now or never. You went over your speech again in your head. You can do this!

Ryan, Yaz and Graham had been dropped off at home and you had stayed behind. The Doctor had yet to notice. With sweaty palms, you walked over and tapped the timelord on the shoulder. The Doctor jumped at the contact and spun around.

"(Y/n)! I thought you left with the others." Her nose scrunched up with confusion and your heart skipped a beat at the adorableness.

"Ah – yes – it's just – well, I wanted to talk to you about something." Your hands begun to shake and you hid them behind your back and prayed the Doctor hadn't noticed.

"Okay. I'm all ears! What's up?" She asked as she leaned against the console. Your mouth suddenly went dry as you tried to remember the words you had planned to say for months.

"Well, um – Doctor, we've known each other for a while now and in that time I have-" You could feel your shirt stick to your back with sweat. Why did you think this was a good idea?

"(Y/n)? Are you okay? You look like you're running a temperature." She placed a hand to your forehead and frowned. You was now hyper aware of how close you two were now standing to the point where you could feel the Doctor's breath caressing your parted lips. You leaned forward before rational thought could stop you and captured the Doctor's mouth in a searing kiss. There was a brief moment before you felt the Doctor kiss back. It was like no other kiss you had experienced. You wanted this moment to last forever and before you had the chance to deepen the kiss, the Doctor pushed you away.

The both of you stood staring at each other as your chests heaved and your lungs worked to replenish oxygen.

"What was that!?" The Doctor gasped.

"I'm sorry! That came out of nowhere, but you have no idea how long I have been waiting to tell you how I feel." The pressure in your chest was lifted at the confession but the silence from the Doctor lead you to believe that you had made a mistake. The Doctor had turned away from you and began to work furiously at the control panel.

You began to panic "What are you doing?"

I'm taking you home."

"What? Why?" The Doctor didn't reply as the Tardis landed outside your flat. "Doctor, please don't do this." The timelord refused to look at you.

"I think it would be best if we spent some time apart."

You knew that if you set foot outside the Tardis, it would be the last time you would see it along with the women was breaking your heart. The Doctor had made up her mind.

"Fine. If you want me to go then I'll go."You sprinted out from the Tardis and never stopped running until your legs gave way. Tears blurred your vision. You didn't know where you was. You didn't care. You idiot, (Y/n)! You just had to open your big mouth and it has caused you to lose her for good. Exhaustion clung to you, dragging you into darkness as you sat huddled up against a cold brick wall. Could things get any worse? It seemed that universe wanted to punish you for your stupidity as it began to rain. Goosebumps appeared on your bare arms as you cursed yourself for not picking up your jacket, but you weren't exactly thinking straight at the time. A shadow suddenly fell over you. The thing that cast it, gave you a little shelter from the crying sky.

"Well, this is a turn up for the books." You gasped and looked up to see the Master staring down at you with grin. You pushed yourself to your feet and was ready to bolt, but the Master was one step ahead.

"Oh, I don't think so." He said before placing his fingertips to her forehead.

You gasped awake to find yourself in the Master's Tardis. He had kidnapped you. Wasn't that fan - bloody - tastic?

"Listen here, Doctor. I've taken one of your pets. You should really keep her on a tight leash, there's no telling where she might end up." You couldn't quite catch the Doctor's reply, but you weren't hopeful, she had made her feelings perfectly clear.

"You stole the wrong pet. She couldn't care less about me."

"Oh, you're awake. I was hoping that you'd remain unconscious. Make it less painful on my end; I know how you apes like to talk. Still, at least you're no longer drooling everywhere and snoring for that matter."

You wiped your chin with a glare. "I do not snore."

The Master smirked and leaned against the console. "You do and I have proof! Listen!" He pressed a button on one of the control panels and the sound of your snoring resounded throughout the room, but that wasn't the only thing that had been recorded. Your jaw dropped when you heard your voice whisper, "Doctor." Over and over.

"This. Is. Brilliant! Oh, poor sweet, innocent, (Y/n), did she break your heart? Did the Doctor hold your heart in her hand and crush it? Brutal. I'm impressed, I didn't know she had it in her."

Yours hands clenched into fists as the Master revelled in the fact that he was getting under your skin. "Shut up." The words tumbled from your mouth before you could stop them. The Master was on you then with his hand wrapped around your throat. The pressure on your windpipe caused stars to dance across your vision. You really needed to learn how to keep your mouth shut. A sudden turbulence caused the Master to be thrown off his feet, releasing his hold on your throat in the process. The Tardis doors flew open and there she was, the oncoming storm. You lost your breath all over again as you drunk in the sight of her.

"Doctor! So glad you could join us! What kept you?" The Master said from where he had fallen. The Doctor ignored him as she stormed over to her companion. You gulped at her expression and gasped as you were pulled out your seat with such a force that you fell into her. The timelord moved her arm to your waist and kept a tight hold on you as she addressed the Master. You couldn't concentrate on what was being said as all you could hear was the thud of your palpitating heart.

The Doctor pulled you though the doors and into her Tardis. She must have docked onto his Tardis somehow. The Doctor tugged you over to the console. You tried to read her expression, but her mask had yet to slip. Once she put the Tardis in flight, the Doctor took her arm from around you waist. Disappointment flooded you, but it was soon replaced with shock when you were ingulfed in her arms.

"I'm sorry." The timelord whispered into your hair as she hugged you closer to her. Your foreheads touched and gazes met. "I know that you probably don't want to hear it. There is no excuse treating you the way I did. I have lived for thousands of years. Had so many faces. I was so scared when you told me you had feelings for me. I tried so hard keep my distance, tried not get too close, but I fail every single time. My hearts are covered in scars from the people I have lost. Some have healed and some are still raw. I think if I lost you, they might just shatter completely. I guess I am my own worst enemy, no matter what the Master has to say about it." Regret and pain was clear in her eyes. "What I'm trying to say is I'm willing to give this a go, if you'll have me?"

Words failed you as you gazed into the orbs of the broken timelord and saw the mask crumble away. You smiled as you looked upon what was underneath. Your lips met and this time, the Doctor didn't pull away.

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