Again was what she didn't say, but was implied anyway.

Ginny paused, her breathing harsh as she fixed Lily with a look somewhere between a terrifying glare and equally-terrifying calculation. "Fine."

The entire room seemed to release a breath of relief. Fred and George released their sister, who stayed true to her word and did not attack, but still held her wand in a firm grip. "Explain," she bit out.

And they did.


"So," said Ginny in disbelief, "you really expect me to believe that my ... that Harry's dead family has randomly come back to life with no explanation whatsoever, and is looking to reunite with him, when nearly every person out there right now is looking to either to kidnap or kill him?"

James noticed the catch on Harry's name, but decided to keep his smirk restrained for the time being. He instead focused on the harsher reality - the reality that Ginny's reaction was very understandable. And admirable.

"We know it's hard to believe -" Lily began.

"Oh, it sure is hard to believe," said Ginny aggressively.

"Ginny," said George, gently pushing her to sit down in a nearby chair, "Sirius knew things that only the real Sirius could have known. About his time in Grimmauld Place. Things small and secretive enough that some Death Eater couldn't know them."

"Exactly," said Fred. "And if Sirius is real, then James and Lily must be, too."

James gave them an appreciative look.

Ginny bit her lip, looking over James, Lily, and Sirius, who sat across from her, then slowly turned to her brothers. "Are you sure you trust them?"

"Positive," said both in unison.

She let out a sigh and looked at them from across the table again. "As stupid as they act, my brothers are very clever," she admitted, a hint of softness in her brown eyes. "I trust their judgement. I believe you."

James smiled at her, unable to help the feeling that Ginny Weasley would be a very strong link to his son. Lily seemed to feel the same way, as she strode over to the girl and embraced her tightly. James saw Ginny blink a few times in shock over Lily's shoulder before relaxing into her arms.

When they at last pulled away from each other, Ginny seemed to look mildly embarrassed as she said, "Er ... Sorry about before ... The way I reacted -"

"Don't apologize," interrupted James. He nodded his head in respect to her. "You were protecting my son and your brothers. I admire you for that." He smirked, rubbing a hand over his chin. "And you cast a mighty bat-bogey hex. Bloody hell. Remind me to never piss you off."

Sirius groaned at that, rubbing his nose tenderly, even though the hex had worn off by now. "I can second that."

The room burst into laughter, but whatever happiness it brought was short-lived as the gravity of their situation pressed down upon them. Not just the case of missing Harry, but ... this girl, who could quite possibly be his future daughter-in-law.

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