Six (The Real One)

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Ack. Sorry about this being late. Here you go. :(


"Merlin," said one of the twins, a look of awe taking over his expression. "Sirius ... is it really you?"

"Yeah, mate," said Sirius softly. "And ... I know this is going to be hard to believe, but ... I'm not the only one that's back, either." He motioned for James and Lily to show themselves.

James's heart was pounding as he stepped through the door after Sirius. These Weasley twins knew his son - and by the way they had been talking, were very close with him, too.
The answers they could give them!

Fred and George's jaws very nearly hit the floor at the sight of James and Lily. James couldn't really blame them; if his friend's previously-dead parents suddenly walked through his front door, he'd be pretty stunned himself.

"James and Lily Potter?" murmured the twin who, James had noted, had a missing ear.

"That would be us," said James with a smile, hoping to come across as friendly. He gripped Lily's hand tightly as Fred and George surveyed them.

"But ... how?"

James, Lily, and Sirius all exchanged glances. "That's ... a little harder to explain," said the latter.

"Please," begged Lily, slightly breathless, "we need your help. We aren't sure what happened or why we're back, but we really need to see our son. Our son Harry?"

Both twins fixed them with a hard glare. "There are a lot of people that would like to get their hands on Harry right now," said one of them.

"Yeah. How do we know this isn't a trick?" said the other.

Something warmed in James's chest at the loyalty bleeding from their words, while something else was annoyed at things not moving quickly enough. It seemed that the longer they spent away from Harry, the more terrifying the prospect of him being missing became. He needed to get to his son. Now.

"James and Lily have been gone for sixteen years," Sirius explained calmly, "and I have been gone for nearly two. Don't you think our bodies would've long decayed by now for us to be Polyjuiced? Or that we're too accurate to be Necromantic copies? And I've already told you things only I would know. James and Lily are alive, just as I am, and we need to know what's happening to Harry. We need to protect him and reunite him with his family."

James held his breath, squeezing Lily's hand tightly as Fred and George considered Sirius's words. Then released it in relief when they nodded.

One twin moved to shut the door behind them, locking it with some magical mechanism James had never seen before, while the other said, "You all look like hell. Tea?"


It was oddly comforting, James mused, to finally be able to meet someone who hadn't been dead and, therefore, out of the loop. To finally be able to ask and receive some solid answers from someone they could trust, however minute they may be.

It didn't take long for James to like Fred and George - the latter being the one with the missing ear, which made distinguishing the two much easier - and couldn't help but see a little bit of himself in them. He was sure that, had they been the same age and in school together, they would've been fast friends. And the fact that Harry was close to them made him feel giddy and excited, as he was finally getting to know his son, if only a little bit, through Fred and George.

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