Start from the beginning

"Are you crazy, there is absolutely no way Oliver is going to be alright with you venturing out there alone with Slade still lurking out there." Felicity said and Katie sighed. "What's going on?" Katie took a deep breath and decided to just say it.

"I'm late." Katie said simply and for a moment Felicity didn't understand, but then it suddenly clicked and the woman's eyes widen. Before the woman could even reply, more feet were coming down the stairs and appeared Roy, who looked totally angry. "Roy, are you—" he simply held up a hand, as he walked off to the other side of the basement away from the others. "I should—" Katie made to go check on the man, when Felicity caught her arm and pulled her a bit further from the others.

"Oh no you don't. You don't drop something like that on me." Felicity whispered still staring a bit wide eyed as a smile crept to her lips. "This is great, this is—"

"Felicity I don't know for certain yet, I have to actually take a test first which is going to be next to impossible, seeing as Oliver is everywhere all the time." Katie muttered with a shake of her head.

"Why don't you tell him, I'm sure he won't freak out." Felicity said, thinking it over she had to reconsider. "Much."

"I can't tell him until I'm one hundred percent positive. With everything happening right now, I don't want to pile something like this on him if it's not necessary." Katie sighed.

"Alright, a test. They sell them at drug stores, I could—" Felicity turned and looked over to John and Sara. "That won't work since John has become my own personal watchdog. Unless..." the woman stopped talking when Katie's phone suddenly buzzed.

"It's Oliver, he's upstairs." Katie says reading the text before looking over to Felicity. "Look, I'll just figure it out." she glanced over to Roy. "See if you guys can figure out what's wrong with him." and with that the woman turned and went up the stairs to the club. She found Oliver standing by the bar alone. "Liver or Drunk Liver, that is the question." she heard a small chuckle before he turned to her, which is when she saw he actually didn't have a drink in front of him. "You know it feels like you've been gone forever." she walked over to him, and the moment she was close enough, Oliver arm wrapped around her. "How did it go?"

"Hopefully this helps her. Her dad is finally gone, so maybe she can get some real help and move past this finally." Oliver said and Katie sighed before dropping her head to his chest. "I know we haven't been as focused on finding your dad—"

"I get it." Katie said lifting her head to meet his eyes. "Really I get that right now actual living bad guys trump the whole missing corpse dad." The truth was that if they weren't as focused on finding her father, she wouldn't feel as guilty about not telling them about her theory about Martin. She was still waiting to hear back from Lyla and until then as long as no one was asking questions she still didn't need to volunteer answers.

"We will find him, I promise." Oliver replied before leaning in a chaste kiss to her lips.

"I know." she said before glancing around the empty bar. She was still nervous about looking into the man's eyes for too long, afraid he'll just see all the secrets she's hiding.

"Hey, are you alright?" Oliver asked noticing that nervousness she was trying to hide. Katie turned back to him with a shake of her head.

"Um, I was just wondering what was going on with Roy. He's upset about something."

"He broke up with Thea." Oliver said and Katie stared in disbelief. Roy and Thea were sickeningly in love, which made this sudden break up unbelievable. "It was for the best."

"The best?" Katie asked unsure what Oliver meant by that, which also made her think that he'd had some input on this decision. She took a slight step back, out of his grasp as she awaited him to continue. "What did you do?"

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