She smiled innocently, "Not at all. It doesn't matter though, I never liked her."

"Right. Then I guess you can go into the kitchen and prepare something for yourself."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "That's fine dad, I'll only like burn down the house, no big deal."

"I can make you something," The words were already out before Sophie had time to process them. Father and daughter turned their attention to her and she almost took her words back.

"Really." He didn't appear to be asking a question.

Sophie nodded and stuttered, "I..I...mean there's no other option and she's hungry. You also have eat to take your medications so I thought...B..But it's only if you want though."

He stared at her for what seemed like an hour to Sophie, though it was probably just about five seconds before nodding then he asked, "how good of a cook are you?"

Sophie might not have been sure of a lot of things in her life, but her cooking skills wasn't one of them. She smiled, "I assure you I'm a decent enough cook, sir."

He raised his brows at her, "You better be 'cause my daughter is a really picky eater."

Right. Why didn't that surprise her? Sophie controlled the urge to roll her eyes, like really what other choice did they have? "Really? In that case princess, what would you like to eat?" she asked as she turned her attention to the girl in question, smiling as warmly as possible.

The girl though, just rolled her eyes at her, "Just cook whatever, it's not like I'm sure I'll be able to eat it anyway. And my name is Angel, not Princess."

Sophie's mouth almost dropped open. How could anyone so young be that sassy? And rude? She felt like smacking some sense into the girl.

Before she could form any coherent response though, Alex spoke up, his voice stern, "Angel, that's no way to talk to someone older."

The girl scrunched up her face, "But dad..." She stopped at the stern look her dad was giving her and mumbled "I'm sorry."

Alex nodded and turned his attention back to Sophie, "Anything is fine as long as it's edible."

Sophie almost rolled her eyes. What was the point in reprimanding his daughter for being rude when he was even worse? "Where's the kitchen?"

"Angel will show you." He motioned to Angel to lead the way and the girl obeyed, albeit grudgingly.

Sophie followed as the girl led the way to the kitchen. Immediately they got there and the door shut behind them, the girl rounded back to her and scowled.

"I don't like you," she announced.

"Really? Oh my God, I didn't know that!" Sophie replied in a shrill voice, feigning surprise.

Angel's scowl deepened, if that was even possible. "Hahaha...very funny. I don't like you and I'll make sure you leave, trust me."

"Yes ma'am. I get it so can you leave me to work now?" Sophie replied, dismissing the girl as she went in search of what to cook.

Angel didn't reply but Sophie could feel the burn of her glare even though she had her back to her. Sophie ignored her and opened the refrigerator, checking what they had in stock, which turned out not to be much. She finally decided on white rice and stew, there was meat and fish in the freezer that she could use, perfect. She turned around then realized the girl had left at some point. She slumped on a chair and let out a huge sigh. If the events so far was anything to go by, this was going to be a very tiring job.

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