Chapter 16

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Dedicated to ChrissyyMalfoy

"Harry Potter, the boy who lived?" Voldemort said. Harry glared at him. "More like the boy who died at my hands." Voldemort said. Bellatrix cackled at him.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted. But Bellatrix was faster. "Crucio!" She said. "Good Bellatrix." Voldemort said. "Avada Kedavra!" He shouted. Harry's face was still in tears. His mouth was partly open from his screams.

"How could you?" Hermione asked. She too was crying. "Crucio!" Voldemort shouted. Hermione screamed in pain. "Please no!" Draco shouted. "No!" Voldemort said. By the time Voldemort was finished Hermione couldn't even lift her head properly. "Weasley do as you please." Voldemort said.

Ron popped up out of nowhere and took Hermione. They were apparated to a small hut. Ron pushed Hermione unto the wall and kissed her continuously. Hermione bit hard into his tongue. "How dare you!?" Ron exclaimed.

"You are a little selfish bitch. The love of my life abandoned me." Ron said. He slapped Hermione's face. "You're staying here with me." Ron whispered.

Harry's afterlife

Harry groaned. "Where am I?" Harry asked. He did not expect to hear anyone answer him. "In your afterlife of course." Dumbledore said. "I'm dead?" Harry asked. "Yes Harry. But you don't have to stay dead forever." Dumbledore said.

"How? How is that possible?" Harry asked. "Well, you are very special. The fate of the wizarding world depends upon you. Unlike other people who die that get 2 choices you get three." Dumbledore said.

"And what are those?" Harry asked. "You can become a ghost, go back to life or stay dead." Dumbledore answered. "I have to go back. That's my decision." Harry said. "Do us good." Dumbledore replied. With a wave of his hand Harry was gone.


Harry gasped. He was alive he was back. Voldemort stood before him. "How are you alive?" Voldemort asked. "That's for me to know." Harry answered. Forgive me Merlin. Harry thought. "Crucio!" Harry said. Voldemort stood on the floor infront of him in pain.

Everyone around them were taken aback. Harry then did something even worse. "Avada Kedavra!" Harry shouted. Just like that the dark lord was gone.

Draco walked over to Harry. "Potter please! Hermione's been taken by Weasley." Draco said to Harry. He was in tears. "Take my hand." Harry said. Draco obliged and held his hand.


Everything's going down hill!! But do not fear my lovelies. This book is actually going to end a lot sooner than I thought. Anyways next chapter Hermione will be found and Ron will go to Azkaban. Love y'all. Bye.


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