He could never accept Eden as his wife.

“Fine, son.” Lord Adelwood resigned, his heavy shoulders drooping. “I will not let you down if that is your wish.”

“Tell me.” Stephen asked. “Who is Eden?”


“Damn, it’s too cold.” Maggie whined. “I am too cold.”

“If you will stay still!” Eden scolded, pouring another jug of water over Maggie’s wet, foam laden hair.

She was washing Maggie’s hair which was an extremely troublesome task considering the sink that was too small and Maggie’s  curls that were too many and too dense.

Carol brought in a jug of steaming water and added it into the bucket of the cold water.

“Tell me if this much warm will do.” Eden said before downing the next jug and rinsing her hair.

“Oh, ouch! Its too hot.” Maggie cried, wriggling. “Eden, it’s too hot.”

It took them long to do with her hair. Maggie’s consistent whimpering quietened only when they were over with the washing and Eden had draped a towel, knotting her golden curls right atop her head.

“How old are you Maggie? Five?” Eden patted on her cheeks that were red and flustered.

“Oh, I hate bathing.” Maggie huffed.

“Yes, thank you for pointing that out.” Eden waited for carol to leave the room with the jugs and canisters. “And where were you last night when I returned? You were not here in the room.”

Maggie’s cheeks reddened some more. “Oh...I was in the kitchen. I was…I was thirsty.”

“There is always a jug in our room.”

“I didn’t notice.” Maggie shrugged, biting her lips. “And by the way, what did he say?”

“Who?” Eden pretended not to understand.

Mr. Andreas Edwin….Eden.” It was a compelling, teasing whisper. “What did he want? From you?”

“Nothing significant.”


“He thought_”

“Yes Eden?”

“He had a misconception that I…I was avoiding him.”

Maggie suddenly clapped making Eden jump in surprise. “Pack your bags Eden. You are going to be his wife.”

Eden smacked her hand on Maggie’s mouth in utter bewilderment. “Will you keep your voice down. If someone hears….What the rubbish are you saying?”

“Oh but he is so besotted to you, is he not?” Maggie squealed against Eden’s palm.

Her palm loosened. “Don’t say that, Maggie.”

“Why?” Maggie frowned.

“It will make me want it.” Eden sighed.

“What’s wrong with wanting?”

“Wanting and voracity have traits in common.” Eden answered. “When you start wanting too much, when your hunger turns way too insatiable_ you become greedy, you die famished.”

It took Maggie some moments to consider that. “So you mean, that if you start..um…liking Mr. Edwin…”

“I might end up losing him, end up losing what I never had.” Eden shrugged sadly. “I might end up losing myself and so much more.”

“You give me church like feel.” Maggie mumbled.

Eden smiled.

“Let’s go, Maggie, Eden.” Carol barged into the room, announcing. “Guests are to be served tea.”


Eden was a noble blood_ but born out of wedlock.

Her father was Lord Wharton David. Her mother_ Lady Nancy Whitney.

And it went as it often did.

Fatal attraction, leading to a passionate night spent together. Their youth made them reckless of the consequences. They gave themselves to each other without realizing what shall be taken in return.

And the inevitable happened.

Lady Whitney was found to be carrying a life within_ an unaccountable life, which was.

She could not be married to Lord Wharton for she was engaged elsewhere. She was sent to confines for her gestation and also to unseason the scandal. To stash and stow it away.

When the child was born, a girl it was, Lord Wharton agreed to take it upon himself, the raising of the child. He took Eden with him. Away.

Far from London, to Newcastle.

For ten years, she was raised there, not as his Lordship’s daughter but as the housekeeper’s child. Lord Wharton’s wife didn’t know it. No one knew it.

Ten years too late, however, Lord Wharton’s family was suddenly made to leave England and move to India. There was no excuse on which his Lordship could take Eden with him.

He left her under the shadow of the housekeeper.

In India, Lord Wharton met Lord Henry Adelwood. They became dear friends.

Unfortunate as it was, Plague found Lord Wharton, all the way to India, so severely that death became his last obvious remedy.

On his deathbed, Lord Wharton confided his biggest secret into no one but Lord Adelwood. He asked his friend to look after the dear girl. To groom her into a lady and find her the best man for a husband.

Also, trust bounded, Lord Wharton left twenty five percent of his property and one cottage in Yorkshire to Lord Adelwood which was supposed to be inherited by Eden, at the right time.

“so…” Stephen whispered, his green eyes full of sad curiosity. “You returned to England?”

“No. Politics kept me bound to India. When I returned from there six years after this, I tried to inquire after Eden and was most adversely informed that the girl was abducted by the former butler of Wharton just when he had left. No one had tried to restore her. The man is no other than whom she calls her uncle.” Lord Adelwood huffed a breath. “I kept searching and found her only recently. She was woman enough and in great sufferance.”

A pet pegion took flight, nearby.

"I had a duty. I had her hierarchy with me. I had her responsibility."

“And?” Stephen inquired, gravely. “What did you do father?”

Lord Adelwood regarded the pale face and red rimmed eyes of his son for a moment.

“I found her the best man for a husband.”

Don’t at all feel reluctant in letting me know your views.

Have a good great day.


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