Chapter 1

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"Mom, Nathan will not be able to join us during the dinner, he will go on a business trip, but before that he must prepare all the files and documents in order to render to his assistant." I went into the kitchen and sat at the bar. Mom and Mary were completely absorbed in cooking. Mom took the chicken out of the oven and put it to the plate, and the sister is finishing with the salad.

"As far as I remember, he goes on a business trip in two weeks, why can't this be done on the weekend?" Mary turned to me, mom looked at her with an disapproving look, "Well, what, mom?" She spread her arms and looked at mom, but then looked at me again. "We notified him that we have a family dinner, he could break away from his work for 2 hours, at least for the sake of Eti." looking reproachfully at me, she turned to the board on which she chopped vegetables for the salad.

"He loaded himself on weekdays so that we could spend the weekend together." I tried to protect the groom from the accusations of my sister, although deep down I understood that the Mary was right in something. Nathan was not the owner of the company, but at the same time he was not an ordinary clerk, he could distribute time differently. And yet, despite the hidden resentment, I understood that it was possible and could not have been otherwise. Having stopped the mental struggle, I took a plate with chopped vegetables and carried it to the table.

"Everything is alright, my dear. We understand." Mom said when she came to the dining room, smiled, stroked my shoulder. So she calmed me a little. Mom liked Nathan, but it isn't same for my sister. She didn't like him from the first day they met. Why? She says that his aura is negative, but I think that this is the influence of her work. She is a psychologist, and in each person she sees a patient without discharge.

For half an hour we laid the table. Mary brought out the last plate, we sat down at the table and started the meal. At dinner, we discussed plans for the coming week. Mary told us all the funny cases at her work, such cases she has a lot. We also discussed our wedding with Nathan. Although the Mary did not tolerate my chosen one, she loved me very much, and was glad that I was glad, so she tried to support me as much as possible. After eating, we thanked mom and sent her to rest, assuring her that we would clean table and dishes ourselves. Mom agreed, because today is very tired. Mary and I removed all the dishes from the table and I went to wash them, and my sister sat on the bar stool and begin search something on her phone.

"We can start choosing your wedding dress tomorrow. I found a couple of salons." I left my occupation and turned to her surprised at her offer. The Mary was not a fan of shopping; she went to stores exclusively for a specific purpose.

"Did you really offer me that?" I turned back to the sink, put the dishes in the dishwasher, put the kettle on the stove and sat near sister.

"Yes, I think this is not a bad idea. You will not do this with his sister when you have me." She completely put down her phone and carefully looked at me. I went to her, hugged and kissed on the cheek, she hugged me back.

"Even if you hadn't offered me this, I would have forced you." I walked away from my sister, poured tea into the mugs, gave one to her and sat down on the other side of the bar.

"And where is Nathan going on a business trip?"

"Oh, I didn't remember the name exactly, but it's some kind of god-forgotten town in the west of Virginia. Why do you ask?"

"This is strange. Their company can afford a business trip somewhere to New York and for two person." She drank her tea and looked at me sneakily.

"Mary, stop, please." I took her palms into mine, "I understand that you have a label on him and it is not pleasant at all, but please. I respect your opinion and accept it, but there is no need to change my attitude towards he. You do not see him from the side from which I see him."

"Good sister, I understand you." She squeezing my palms lightly back. "I'll try not to let my psychologist talk out when topic comes to your fiancé." She emphasized the last word, it means that she will try, but not the fact that she will succeed.

"Okay, I think it's time to go sleep." I took the mugs, put them in the dishwasher and started it.

"Yes, indeed, I did not notice how time flew by." The Mary yawned and got up from the counter, "Good night, Eti." She kissed me on the cheek and headed for his bedroom.

"Good night, Mary." I turned off the light everywhere and went to my room. Sitting opposite the dressing table, I looked at the photo standing on it. An 18-year-old girl smiled cheerfully and hugged an ivy hare, while a guy stood behind her and hugged her. I took the photo in my hands.

We have been with Nathan for 4 years. Our acquaintance was common, but our story is wonderful. We immediately fell in love with each other. Despite his age, I saw in him, an adult and already ready for much, a man. He is irresistibly beautiful and unusually smart. He graduated from school perfectly, and by that time when we met, he already had a law degree. At 22, he was already well versed in business, even sometimes helping his father in negotiations.

But it was not that attracted me, his attitude towards me, that's what really matters to me. From the very first day of our acquaintance, he treated me like a flower, a fragile and defenseless flower. He cared about me all the time, and when I was sick he didn't leave me for a step. He also helped me with my graduation, and this summer, I will have to take an internship in the company of his father.

But another important event that happened this year, on Valentine's Day, he made me an offer in front of our families. And of course I agreed. Our parents even managed to set a wedding date. This fall I will take his last name.

Having refreshed my memories, I did not immediately hear the vibration of my phone. Turning the screen toward me, I smiled and answered the call.

"I will never get used to this chair." I heard the lovely voice of my dear in the phone, "How was your dinner? Is your mother very offended?"

"No, everything is ok, she understood you and waiting you for Saturday cakes." I smiled, imagining Nathan's face.

"Your voice is strange, something happened?" I heard a worried voice of my dear.

"No, no, everything is fine, I'm just tired today, and Mary, as always.'

"Should I come?"

"No, you have to work tomorrow morning. Go home, it's late already." - I sat on the windowsill and leaned on the window. On that wire I heard a yawn and smiled. "I promise that tomorrow morning I will delight you with your beloved coffee."

"You know you don't have to."

"I know, but let it be our morning tradition. Moreover, it's not difficult for me."

"I love you, Ethel. Go to bed, I will come home and write you."

"And I love you, I'm waiting for SMS."

Taking my pajamas, I went to the bath. Quickly coping with water procedures, I got dressed and went into the room. After checking the phone, I saw one message:

"Good night. Love you :*"

I typed the answer and put the phone on charge.

Closing the curtains, I went to bed. I was really happy. Before going to bed, I had loved dreaming of a prince who eventually takes me as his wife, but now that this fairy tale has come true, I have nothing to dream about. Only one phrase spins in my head: "I am happy." Spinning a little more, I plunged into beautiful dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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