Chapter 14 F.U.N Or At Least I Hope

Start from the beginning

Normally, if I were on this type of job alone or even perhaps with the other IC members I would never do anything like this. Hiding from our enemy, slowly creeping up on them, it's just not my thing but, this isn't about me this is about OC so, I have to take it slow.

I held my fingers up counting to three 1-2-3 I motioned before we all stood from our places guns aimed at the same person. The man arose shocked that we were surrounding him but, soon that shocked expression turned into a sly smirk.

Emma took the first shot but, before she could do anything the man reached out and twisted her wrist, her gun now pointing towards the floor. A look of pain overtook her face and she shot his foot. Nice one Emma, I thought to myself. The man stumbled a bit and Ryan took that as his shot to kick the back of his knee causing him to fall on the ground. Point for Ryan.

I took over to finish him off not because I didn't think they could handle it but, because sadly this one guy was not our only enemy here. I shot him. Right in the back of his head a fresh blood pool surrounding him. I watched as Emma stared flabbergasted, she hadn't had her first kill yet but I had a feeling that'd change today.

"Let's go," I said and Ryan nodded and nudged Emma breaking her from her daze.

We jogged in sync looking for signs of anyone else. "Alright, Sky and Josh's group should be dealing with the vault right about now let's see if we can find Mason and them before anything else," I said and Emma and Ryan nodded in response.

"Rain! Rain!" I heard through my ear piece.

I clicked the small, slick button "Speaking?" I said to the worried voice on the other line.

"It's Derek, there's trouble in the main."

"Alright we're coming," I responded clicking off. I nodded towards the right and Emma and Ryan followed behind. We jogged till we reached the main. So, this is where all the action was. Surrounding me I could see Daniel, Xavier, and Derek's teams fighting. Everybody was too bunched up to use guns so instead everyone was doing more hands on combat. I spotted Derek and left Emma and Ryan behind. "What were headquarters thinking?" I yelled to be heard over the noise.

"I have no idea there's hundreds of them," Derek yelled back before punching someone coming at his right. "Watch out by the way."

I swiftly turned to find a guy tall and blond looking down at me like I was a piece of meat. He reached his arm out towards me and I grabbed it twisting it behind his back kicking his legs in causing him to fall before I stomped on his face one last time causing blood to ooze out of his mouth and nose. I reached to touch my mini ear "Xavier, take your team upstairs and start attacking from above, Daniel get some of your members to go up there too and guard those working on the vault."

"On it," I heard Xavier's voice say.

"Gotcha," Daniel replied.

I turned back to Derek who had just taken out three guys. I gave him a glance and he did the same signaling for me to go. I stepped onto his knee boasting myself up I kicked off doing a back flip knocking two people in the face before I landed on the ground. I regained my balance on flat land and ran. I looked for something, anything I needed a distraction something that would catch them off guard. Josh and Sky still needed more time with the vault and I needed to get it for them. Then I spotted it sitting behind a glass case was a fire alarm. Once I reached it I busted it open with my gun, glass shattering into pieces on the ground. I pounded my fist against the red button and the loud noise stung my ears. Red lights began to flash and water sprouted from different ends of the building. That should be good enough.

I turned back to the action where it seemed C.2.R was able to get back ahead. I scanned the room to see if I needed to jump in anywhere but, everyone seemed to have had it under control. A proud smile grew on my face, I love this feeling. All of a sudden my "spidey senses" started tingling and I knew someone was behind me. Quickly I reached to my leg and pulled out a sharp knife twisting it between my fingertips, the blade feeling cold beneath my skin. I spun around promptly and it stabbed through the stranger's chest red liquid oozing out of the wound before they eventually fell to the ground.

It seemed more people emerged from blank space making it hard to see any C.2.R members anymore. What was headquarters thinking? This place has at least five times more people than we do and we have around two hundred. They should've at least told us to bring back up. I would've but figuring it was a F.U.N job I didn't think there was a need to have them on standby but, currently I'm really regretting that.

I pushed back my wet hair touching my ear piece "Sky how much longer with the vault?" The sprinklers were dying down now and I needed to know if they were close to being down already.

"We're working on it."

"Well work faster they're bringing in more men and I don't know if we can take much more," I said kicking someone in the chest.

"You talking to me isn't going to help. You should be bothering Josh he's the one nowhere to be found," Sky finished before clicking off.

I looked up to second level where Josh and Sky were located. This couldn't be good. I spotted a ladder to my right and climbed up. Once I reached second level I began pacing around looking for Josh. He could be anywhere and if he were to be caught by someone there's no way he could use his mini ear. I ran and ran until I spotted him, hanging off a ledge.

Blood ran down his face as he hung by one hand onto the ledge that separated the second level from the first. Someone did this on purpose. They beat him and let him hang on an edge till he eventually couldn't anymore and would fall who knows how many feet down and die. The question is who? Also why? But that didn't matter right now, his life did.

I know I'm supposed to be mad at Josh. He betrayed me with Stephanie of all people but, that doesn't matter. He's Joshua Collins, one of my best friends and I'm not going to let him die not here, not today. If the tables were turned he'd do the same for me.

I ran to where Josh hung. His eyes fluttering close, I could tell he was about to pass out from all his blood loss. I reached my hand down grabbing his in mine. It was rough with calluses and blood, scars of a knife's blade embossed into a symbol, their symbol. He was the sacrifice, the chosen one.

I pulled him up onto the ground besides me letting his head rest in my lap I looked at the symbol. I clicked my ear piece "Sky wrap it up."

"But-" she said before I cut her off.

"I don't care wrap it up."

"We're not done we still have to-"

"Yes, we are now get your team out of there now!" I said before clicking off to speak with Xavier.

"I'm going to need you downstairs in 30 seconds kay?"

"Got it," he voiced through my ears. I stood up slinging Josh's arm over my shoulder lugging him with me down the stairs.


"Yeah?" he questioned through the ear piece.

"Wrap it up were leaving." Someone had to call the vans back and I was afraid Daniel would ask too many questions.

"Ok," he answered not doubting my judgment.

I reached the first floor and Xavier stood by the stairs waiting for me.

"What happen-"he started to question before I shook my head telling him to not go there right now. I removed Josh's arm off me letting Xavier take his limp body. I saw Derek and Daniel rallying their crews to get out of the building.

Becca stood there fighting off a large man holding the containments from the vault in her hands. She got it. I felt Derek at my side bracing himself, ready to go fight off the man and release Becca.

"Don't," I said holding my arm in front of Derek to stop him from going any further "She's got this." And she did. She fought off the man who was at least 6'2 and towered over her small 5'1 figure excellently. She took everything she learned throughout the week and used it and that was all I could've asked for. She finished him off and ran towards us passing me all that was contained in the vault. She stood in front of Derek panting, her hands on her hips.

"So, how did I do?"

WOah! I know that was a lot to take in. Avery? Josh? Becca? Oh the madness. I hope you liked the chapter. Honestly, I thought this was going to be the crappiest chapter yet but, I'm actually pretty proud of it. Tell me what you thought of it in the comments and vote for more uploads! ily -xoxo Li.Gi

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