The Movies and the Man in Yellow

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So, how do you like it so far?

Kara's POV

Today is my second Saturday on earth. And I get to spend it with Barry! "What should I wear..." I mutter to myself. "I think you look good in blue." Alex, my foster sister suggested. "Thank you." I thanked her. I quickly put on a blue dress, and ask "How do I look?" " Hahaha, I was trying to get you to look terrible, but you actually look great." Alex said madly. "Why thank you!" I reply sarcastically. I walk downstairs, and see my foster mom Eliza and ask her "Can you drive me to the movie theater?" I ask her. "What for?" She questions. "I'm meeting up with a friend, his name is Barry." I answer. "Are you going on a date?" Alex asks. "No, go away, shut up." I tell her. Why does Alex have to be so annoying so the time? Well, at least I get her back every morning, by hogging the bathroom. "Kara, language. And yes I will drive you to the movie theater if you promise not to tell him anything." Eliza says. "Yes!" I shout, doing my happy dance. When I get there, I see Barry. He's just wearing a casual T-shirt and pants. His shirt seems like a shirt Cisco would wear, it says "JUST CHILLIN'" on it.

Barry's POV

I had just gotten to the movie theater. I see Kara walking over in a beautiful blue dress. "Wow, you look great." I tell her. "Looks like I totally overdressed for the movies." She laughs. Kara and I walk in, and are immediately greeted by the movie theater staff. "Tickets." The man scanning the tickets asks, holding out a scanner. "Oh, just give me a minute to get it out." I say, pulling out the various items or of my pocket. "Ahh, found it." I say, handing the tickets to the ticket scanner. "You may now go." He says. "I'll get some popcorn." I say. "Oh, and some Fanta, I want to try it." Kara adds. "You have never had Fanta." I stare at her. "Let's just both go there." I say. When we get in line, the cashier says "Orders please." I look at Kara, then say "A shareable popcorn, and two Fantas. I say.

Third Person

"You're getting the same thing as me?" Kara asked Barry. "Well, I thought we could each have one." Barry says. "Have a nice date." The cashier says. "Oh, um were not on a umm," Kara starts. "Date. We're just friend right?" Barry says. "Yeah, but not like we hope to be anything else in the future, right?" Kara lies awkwardly, though Barry doesn't detect the lie. "Right." Barry lies, without Kara noticing. "If you say so." The cashier looks at them awkwardly. They went over to theater 38, and found their seats (D7 and D8). The movie starts, and it's the one movie that Kara had actually seen; Wizard of Oz. Kara falls asleep in the middle of it, and Barry falls asleep about the minutes after Kara fell asleep. The two are woken up by a friendly couple, with the names of Tess and Harrison. "Thanks." Barry and Kara thank them. "Ahh, well, you're just two kids who fell asleep on each other during the movies. We're from Maryland by the way." Harrison says. What they don't know, is that both Tess and Harrison were going to die that night.

Kara's POV

"I'm hungry." I tell Barry, after the movie's over. "There's a Big Belly Burger down the street, we can eat there!" Barry says. I went to Big Belly Burger one time, they have good burgers. The cashier there thinks that were on a date, what Barry doesn't know, is that I wish it was. Afterwards, Barry walks me home. "Hey, nerds." Tony Woodward says, as he walks up to us. He shoves me into a tree. I smack him in the face, lightly enough that there are no injuries. Rao, why did I do that. "Hey, sucker!" Barry yells, throwing a water bottle at him. Tony starts chasing him. Run, I see him mouth, as he starts running. I run home, alone, hoping that Barry doesn't come to school tomorrow with a million bruises.

Barry's POV

I just chased Tony Woodward away from Kara. I run, home. Eventually, Tony runs out of breath, and I get home safe without a bruise. My mom asks "What happened?" "Tony was picking on Kara just because he thought that she wasn't cool, it wasn't right!" I tell her. "I know, but no more fights okay?" My mom asks.  Just then, dad walks through the door. "Hey slugger!" He says. "Barry got in a fight today." My mom told him. "And..." Dad continued. "He won!" She said. "Way to go slugger!" He starts. "Oh, and no more fighting." He adds, seeing the expression on mom's face. About three minutes after I went to bed, I saw the water in my fish tank start floating. I run downstairs and see my mom, in the middle of a ball of red and yellow lightning. "Run!" She yells. I see a man in a yellow suit, with glowing red eyes stop for a second, and look at me before I start running. Then, all of a sudden, I'm twelve blocks away from my house. As I walk back, I see my dad in cuffs. "Dad! Where are they taking you?" I yell. "Barry! Don't go in the house! It's not safe!" He yells. I walk inside, and I see my mother's dead body laying on the ground. "Mom!" I scream.

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