the end

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--Hello there. I have returned, and I am finally ready to finish this book. I kinda took time off from writing, and kinda disconnected from everything. I did leave the state and visited family, so I'm doing better now. I start softball soon, so that's gonna limit my writing time, but I'm here now?

After everything that's happened, Jisung and I have never been better. We still live together in our apartment, except now we're dating. We're still doing good on social media, not that it matters. We've been together for 5 years, and we graduated from college a few weeks ago. The boys and I are still friends, except now are friend group has grown. It comes in handy to have a big apartment, when you have 22 people over at once.

Today was Sung and I's 5th aniversary, yet he was no where in sight when I woke up. It kinda stung, but I figured he was probably downstairs. I walked down the staircase, and found nothing but an empty apartment. I looked around for a few minutes, until I found a note (i've done this before but i like the plot) Jisung never forgets important dates, but for him to not remeber our anniversary left me in complete shock.

Goodmorning babe!
I remembered we didn't have anything planned for today and it wasn't really important, so I decided to go with Lina to get coffee. We needed to discuss some things regarding work, so I decided to go ahead and go. I won't be coming home till late tonight. I'm gonna meet up with Chenle and Mark hyung. I hope you don't mind. I'll see you later.
When I finished reading I broke down into tears. He's going out with another girl, on our anniversary. I didn't know what to do, other than wallow in self pity on my anniversary. Maybe I should call Yuta... he went through this with doja cat. (ok so this is supposed to say winwin, but my friends were talking about doja cat as i was writing and i typed it out on accident, but it's too funny to delete).

italics: Akari
underlined: yuta

hello- wait Aki are you crying? what's wrong

he forgot it. he fucking forgot our anniversary and he's
out with Lina

aki... i'm on my way to the apartment... i knew i never
should've trusted that kid.

yuta why... what did i do wrong

you did absolutely nothing wrong... i'll be there in about
3 minutes

I just sat and stared aimlessly at the couch, wondering why he forgot.

Yuta pov.
I've never heard her sound that upset. Of course I was in on Jisung's plan, but I still couldn't stand to see my little sister broken like this. I texted Jaehyun and said she found the letter, and I was going over to their apartment. I had roughly an hour before things got interesting.

Jisung pov.
I'm not a complete asshole I swear. I didn't forget about our anniversary, but I was with Lina. She was helping me pick out a ring. That's right bitches I'm proposing. I'm not the best at coming up with romantic senarios, so this is what I got. I hope this goes well.

Akari pov.
Yuta got here about an hour, and currently I was sitting on the couch curled up in his arms. The first thing he did when he got here was hug me, and right now... that's all I wanted. "Hey, why don't we go out to the sunflower fields?" I looked up at him and nodded, and then we got in the his car. As we were in the car, he got a phone call but I didn't know who it was. It sounded like Jisung, but I knew there was no way. He told them we were on the ways to the fields, and then hung up. "Who was that?" He just shook his head and mumbled a 'no one' It seemed sus, but I knew it was best to trust my brother. I saw the endless rows of sunflowers start to appear in the distance, and I started to forgot about Jisung forgetting about today. Wait... what's standing in the middle of the field? Is that... is that Jisung?

Jisung pov.
I heard the car pull up, and a door open. That's when it all set in, that this was finally happening. I'm about to propose. What if she says no? God I love her so much, the thought of not spending the rest of my life with her makes me sick. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the voice that never failed to pull at my heart strings. "Jisung? What the fuck are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be out with Lina... on our anniversary, that you obviously forgot about." I could here the pain in here voice.

"Aki... I didn't forget our anniversary. I needed help with something, so I asked Lina to help. Believe me when I say, that you are the most importany person in my life. You mean everything to me. I wasn't sure that I deserved you at first. But after everything... you proved to be the best thing that ever happened to me. If there is one thing I am completely sure of, it's that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you, Nakamoto Akari marry me?"

Akari pov.
All I could do was stand there in shock. I had prepared a whole speech on how upset he made me, but I forgot all about it when he got down. I hadn't noticed, but during his big speech everyone had crowded around us. All I could do was nod, as I started to cry. Jisung stood up, and softly placed his lips on mine. I could care less that there were 20 people watching us, all I could focus on were are lips that were moving together.

There had been a point where I thought I had lost everything. It felt like nothing was going my way. But then I met Jisung and the boys. They changed my life. I don't even want to imagine what my life would be like without them. Jisung was my safe space. My home. My everything. I wouldn't want to spend my days with anyone else. I guess things always play out how they weren't too. I'm thankfull that Jisung was the roommate i was meant to spend my lifetime with.

The End :)

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