New Beginnings - Pt.2

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"Excuse me? Can I get by please? I need to get in this classroom..."

A short, plump, girl with blond curly hair was standing in front of me, looking annoyed. She was quite pretty. With her freckles she looked like your average girl next door type. Suddenly her expression changed.

"Are you new? I don't think I've met you before,"

"Yeah. It's my first day, I moved here from Kansas. I'm Ashley," I introduced myself with a smile. Might as well, I told myself I would start new. Meeting new people is the first step.

"Nice to meet you Ashley, I'm Nellie, senior class president," She shook my hand.

"Oh. Wow."

"So. I saw you talking to Des. What going on there?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nothing. I barely know him. He is my cousin's friend, and he was showing me how to get to this class. That's all. How do you know him?" Des didn't seem like the kind of guy that Nellie would associate with. But, then again, who am I to judge?

"I'm senior class president. I know everyone." She answered proudly as we walked into the classroom. "He seems like a nice enough guy though. Kind of shy, maybe. He really only talks to his two band mates and that other guy. Sporty guy. I can't remember his name. Jason...Jamie..."

"Jaxson. That's my cousin."

"Yeah, Jaxson. The quarterback. But how in the world did those two become friends? That's all I want to know."

"I honestly have no clue."

At that point, the teacher handed out a worksheet on quadratic equations. I had already done this back in Kansas, and I helped Nellie. We finished pretty fast and talked the rest of the period. She filled me in on just about everything I needed to know about just about everyone I needed to know about. As she talked, thoughts of Des lingered in the back of my mind. About five minutes before the bell rang, Nellie asked to see my schedule.

"Well, we don't have lunch together. But we do have photography together seventh period!"

"I guess I'll see you then," I said with a smile.

The bell rang and I headed to my next class, English. It wasn't hard to find, since Nellie had given me step by step instructions on how to get there, which I was thankful for. It was a pretty boring class. I ended up sitting in the back, next to a guy with some seriously greasy hair. And we were reading a book that I had read my freshman year in Kansas.

When the bell rang for third period, I asked Grease Boy how to get to my Spanish class. It was only two classes down, so I got there before anyone else. I decided to sit in the back, where I would blend in better. Soon, kids started coming in and taking their seats. I could feel their gazes on me as I sat in my desk, my plan to go unnoticed had failed. I looked down at my notebook and pretended to take notes from the board.

"You're in my seat."

I looked up to see Des' big green eyes looking down at me, a smile playing at the edge of his lips. His eyes were almost hypnotizing as I stared up into them. I couldn't look away, they were pulling me in deeper and deeper. Big green emeralds surrounded by lush black lashes. I was truly getting lost in his eyes.

"That's okay, I'll just sit next to you instead." He said sounding amused.

"Oh, s-sorry. I can move."

"Nah your good."

As he talked I watched his mouth. His teeth were perfectly straight and white. And he had very soft looking pink lips. The kind that would be perfect to kiss...

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