chapter 17- daddy

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Hey guys im srry I haven't updated I have been super  busy lately plz don't kill me but  here it is
Ciara Pov

It couldn't be he died didn't he but my mom said he died I have a brother in the army but he's still Here found out the hard way I remember it perfectly


I was seven years old and In my bathroom and was brushing my teeth getting ready for school my mom and dad were downstairs mom was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for daddy.daddy was always working when I had to go to school but he promised today he would stay home I went downstairs to see mommy

Morning mommy.I said

Morning daddy.I said

Morning  my favorite girl.daddy said
I thought I was ur faforate girl. Five year old nicki said

Daddy are u going to stay today from work. I said

Of course my babies.daddy said

Alright girls time for school.mommy said

Mommy was going to take us to school then go get big brother so it won't waste any gas.

We got in the car and headed to school .
We it was time to go auntie Whitney came to pick us up mommy was supposed to pick us up something was wrong  her face was all messed up

Auntie wats wrong. I said she just ignored me when we got home I was so excited  to spend time with daddy I didn't know mommy grabbed me

Mommy whats wrong.I said she was crying so hard I was very smart for a seven year old im in honors

Sweetie I know u want daddy to come home ok but... daddy is in a better place ... daddy was in a crash but he's .....gone I screamed I hugged my mom so tight I couldn't breath but wats the point .

Me,mom,nicki,and chris went to bed crying
Flashback over
D-d-Daddy. I cried

Babygirl.his deep voice said that word and that voice got me to jump in his arms qnd sob

Ciara who's that at th-.she was cut of by her voice she ran to our dad and sobbed in his arms he hugged us tightly but we both didn't care

We were on the couch by now still crying we stopped crying and then he spoke

Are u girls alright.he said

We just nodded not trusting our voice

Chris is supposed to come home today.nicki said

He is how is said

Great he supposed to be her-... now.she said I'll get it she got up and walked away I just watch how he has got older

Chris came in the room and gasped

Dad.chris said

Hey son. Daddy said

They hugged and talked dad ask about wats going on and I told him everything  but left out one single person.......zayn

So has anybody swept my kids off there feet




Ok chris. Who's is it. He said dads have south american and mom is half British we know how to talk the language said(meaning very cool)

I know right. Shes smart,funny and shes british

Thats great.he said

Mermao.I said (mean brother)

Mom is coming. Dad u have to hide I want it to be a surprise. I said

Dad went in the kitchen and ten minutes later mom came in the house setting her things down she sat on the sofa with me and nicki she cried when she seen Chris now its time for daddy surprise.

Mom can u go in the kitchen please. I said

Ok I don't know why but ok. She said she.went in the kitchen

ERIC OMG ITS YOU.she screamed/cried seeing that moment made us happy but im half.happy I need to see someone

Mom im going to visit someone.I said

Ok sweetie be safe.she said

I put on my converse and my jacket and left I was walking to his house and I was nerves and scared what if he didn't want me anymore I was standing in front of his house

I knocked on the door and it waited two minutes later tje door open to a shirtless messy haired haven't s shaved looking zayn I missed him so much that I jumped on him and start kissing him he held me on his waist.he was walking to the couch and layed me down he kissed me down my jawline to my neck

Ciara are you ok.he said god I miss that British voice

Never better.are you mad at me.I was on the verge of crying

I would never hate u. I love you

I love you to.I said

Im so happy this is what it should be  its a happy ever after

(Or is it)

:-) hey guys u deserve a long update so here it is love u lovies bye



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