chapter 26- revenge

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So here's the second chapter to my three chapter special so here you go enjoy

Zayn pov

As I was talking to ciara I could here her voice in the back ground I am so angry right now I could just ripe her head off

Zayn what you thinking about mate. Liam said

I can talk to Ciara through my head she won't even know that we coming.I said

She's doing this out of revenge. Niall said

I know who can help us it's a old enemy of mine.I said

Who.Eric said

Luke.I said

Zayn I don't know.Harry said

Trust me .I said

Fine.he said

We're is the location.Eric asked

She said a factory.I said

The old abounded factory it's the only one in the city.Louis said

How do you know about it.I asked

Let's just say when we go there don't be bothered by the smell of death.he said

Alright I just have to call Luke and we're be good.I said

I heard my name.Luke said

Luke what a pleasent surprise.I said

You to Zayn. weres the beautiful Ciara I heard about.he said

Perrie kidnapped her.I mumbled

That son of a bitch.he cursed

What she do to you.I asked

She stole what was mine.Zayn I know how you feel I will help  you get  her back.he said

Maybe she still has her and we can both get them back.I said

When do we start.he asked

Now .I said

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