Chapter 6

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"Fire!" I heard someone yell as we bolted across the lawn to the Little Palace. "Obviously," Rebekah snorted.

Darya sighed. 

"How good are you guys at acting?" I looked at Rebekah and shrugged. "Ok," I said at the same time that Rebekah said "terrible."

Darya groaned. "Just don't say anything, ok." Me and Rebekah nodded in unison. We reached the Little Palace in record time. Everyone was crowded in the hallway outside my room as a bunch of squallers and tidemakers tried to put out the fire we had started.

An instructor stopped when we tried to enter the hallway. "Valerya, why is your room on fire?" I shrugged innocently. "That's a great question. We were just outside, right Rebekah?" Rebekah nodded vigorously and I inwardly cringed. 

The instructor looked at us suspiciously, but let us pass. Me, Darya, and Rebekah watched as the tidemakers and the squallers quickly put out the fire. 

I was given a new room which looked a lot like my old one, but less burnt. Darya and Rebekah had rooms down the hall from me which we were excited about. Well, Darya was excited about that. Rebekah mumbled something about being terrified she was going to wake up with her room in flames. 

Everything seemed to finally be going as it should be. 

Until I heard someone knocking on my door.

I jumped up from my bed and tried to look normal. 

An Oprichniki and Darya were standing outside my door. I glanced at Darya questioningly, but she just shrugged and shook her head. She had no idea where we were going. The Oprichniki marched us up a staircase and down a hall. Something about this seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then it hit me.

We were walking to the Darkling's office.

I cursed under my breath and Darya stopped and looked at me weirdly. "What's wrong?" 

"We're going to the Darkling's office. I think he found out,"

"Well, it was nice knowing you," Darya gave me a quick hug. "Come on, maybe it's for a completely different reason. We don't know yet."

We continued down the hall until we got to the Darkling's office. The Oprichniki walked into the office and closed the huge doors with a bang.

Darya turned to me with a panicked expression on her face.

"We're dead."

"What, no we're not. Darya we'll be fine. Trust me."

"Ok, but I'm not going to take the blame for anything. This was your fault. You can get kicked out of the Little Palace, but I'm plan on staying here with Rebekah." 

Darya shuddered.

"On second thought I think I'll get kicked out with you. Could you imagine being stuck here with Rebekah. I'd go crazy." 

"Darya you're already crazy."

We both laughed, but stopped suddenly when we heard the door open. The Oprichniki gestured for us to enter. 

The office seemed pretty much the same as the last time I'd seen it. The Darkling stood off to the side of the room and seemed to be talking with another Oprichniki. 

"You didn't tell me he was so handsome," Darya hissed in my ear. I kicked her hard in the ankle.

The Darkling noticed us and dismissed the Oprichniki. 

"Valerya didn't burn anything," Darya blurted out.

The Darkling looked at us confused. "I wasn't going to ask about that, but ok......." 

Thanks a lot Darya  I thought.

"There is a regiment that needs to cross the Shadow Fold in a few weeks time. Usually the Grisha accompanying me to help them pass are more advanced, but you both show potential. If you do a good job then maybe I'll forget about that little incident that happened today."

I tried to look innocent. "I don't know what you're talking about."

The Darkling raised a eyebrow. 

"We'll do a good job moi sovernyi. I promise."

The Darkling nodded distractedly. "You can leave now." 

Me and Darya quickly left the room. "We're alive," Darya shriek-whispered.

 I grinned at her. 

"Yay, now all we have to do is cross the Shadow Fold filled with terrifying monsters waiting to eat us."

Darya shrugged. 

"Eh, shouldn't be that hard." 

I don't know if we were just relieved or if it had just been a long day, but for some reason I found that hilarious. I started laughing hysterically. Darya looked at me weirdly, but then quickly joined  in. 

To an outsider it would have looked like we were insane, but to me it felt perfect.

A/N Sorry about that chapter. It really wasn't that good, but I just wanted to get a chapter out this week and I was pretty busy. Anyway I hope you guys likes it.  Don't forget to vote and comment. It really makes my day. 

Love you guys,


Burning Brightly (a grishaverse story )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora