Chapter 1

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A/N  Wow people are actually reading my story. I did not expect that. Thanks a ton. Now back to the story.💜

Present Time: 

"Valerya Ivanov," I heard my instructor call out. Nervously I rose from my chair and glanced towards the door. Standing in the doorway was a Oprichniki, one of the Darkling's personal guards. Nervously I wiped my hands on my midnight blue tunic and walked out of the classroom. My friend Darya gave me a thumbs up and I had to suppress the urge to smirk.

Tomorrow was the day that we graduated from the school we had attended since being brought here by the Examiners. In one day we would become members of the Second Army. Today was the day in which our futures were decided.

After graduating a Grisha had three options. Some of us would be sent to great houses to serve with noble families, others  would be sent to serve with the First Army in the North,South,and near the Shadow Fold, and the most powerful would remain at the Little Palace to finish our education and be in the service of the Darkling. 

Almost everyone wanted to serve the Darkling, but only the most powerful would be chosen. Suddenly this year everyone had become more competitive. In the years before I had been friends with all the other Etherealki, but now we had all become each other's worst enemies. As I became more and more powerful all of my friends had left me. All except Darya.

Darya was an Etherealki like me, but unlike me she was a Squaller and could control the winds. She was always joking around and pushing me to try new things. Darya was the one who convinced me to dye my hair so that it looked like a flame. 

"You need to stand out among all the gorgeous talented Grisha," she told me a few months ago. "You'll look amazing." 

She was right. I loved my new hair and decided to keep it that way. Shortly after Darya dyed her hair silver with streaks of blue. 

"I can't have you stealing all the attention," she joked. 

Unlike me Darya didn't need something to make her stand out. Even among the perfect Grisha Darya was stunning with flawless warm brown skin and startling green eyes. She could have been friends with anyone she wanted, but for reasons that can't be explained she picked me.

"It's because you're different," she told me when I asked her. 

"There are so many gorgeous,mindless Grisha, but you stand out."

I had no idea if that was a compliment or not. I had never wanted to fit in, but sometimes I think it would be a lot easier.

As I followed the Oprichniki out of the classroom I wondered what I would have to do. Would I have to show how powerful I was, or would I have to explain why I thought I was powerful enough to serve the Darkling? Would I actually have a opinion when they decided on my fate?

I was so caught up in with worrying that I hadn't realized that we had exited the school grounds and were crossing the lawn of the Little Palace.

Despite literally living two feet away from the Little Palace non of us had been inside it. When I had first been brought to the school I had stared out my dorm window every night trying to imagine the wonderful things within the walls. 

We passed by a lake with Etherealki practicing their skills. A Tidmaker sent a wave spiraling  towards me and I had to duck to avoid getting soaked. The Ethereal snickered and I felt my cheeks grow warm. 

We finally reached the door of the Little Palace and the Oprichniki opened it. As I walked in my jaw dropped.  

The inside of the Little Palace was even more stunning then I had imagined. Ornate pillars were everywhere and there were intricate carvings of animals and monsters on practically every surface.

I followed the Oprichniki up a staircase and down a hall until we reached a huge set of doors with a picture of an eclipse on them, the symbol of the Darkling. 

"Stay here," commanded the Oprichniki as he opened the doors a crack and slipped in.

Waiting there felt like an eternity.

Suddenly the doors opened and the Oprichniki came out.

"The Darkling will see you now,"

A/N Chapter one is finished. Yay. I would love it if you commented,voted,and put this story in your reading lists. It would mean a lot to me.💜

Yay we got to 50 reads. *virtual hugs*

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