shy female x popular male reader

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Caroline's POV

It was a beautiful day today, kids and teens were making there way to there respective school's

I was walking alone with my hair covering one of my eye's trying to not grab any attention from others, since I feel like conversations makes me forget what I studied, but then I felt like someone was behind me and I got nervous

"Hey there beautiful" a guy said as he grabbed my shoulder making me jump "why are you going to school alone, you should be going around with me instead" the guy said smoothly

"I-i-i, not ple-" I tried to say but I was to nervous to speak

"Darrel, leave the girl more alone, your kinda scaring her" another guy said and we both turn to see who it is

"Oh come on (Y/N), you expect me to leave a defenseless young lady alone?" He said in his 'said' nobel

"Dude, you think all girls are defenseless young ladies, plus your girlfriend might see you since she's a few blocks behind"

"What!? Crap, ok I'll run to school then, see you there" the guy said and he left running

"*Sigh* sorry about my friend, he's a bit to dramatic for girls" the other guy called (Y/N) apologized

"its... ok" I said looking away

"Well I'll see you in school" and he walked past me heading to school, but I felt like I had to tell him something before he left, so I gathered all of my willpower to speak up

"H-hey wait!" I said and the guy stopped and turned around


"U-um..." I was starting to get red from the embarrasment "t-t-thank y-you, f-for helping m-m-me" I managed to say

"It's fine, I did apologized first didn't I, you didn't have to thank me"

"B-but, I felt l-like I I had to"

"Oh, well if you felt like it, then your welcome, always happy to help, name's (Y/N) by the way" he said gently

"I'm C-Caroline"

"Nice name, well I gotta get to school early so I'm gonna hurry to school" he said turning around "by the way,you have such beautiful eyes, so you shouldn't try to hide them" he said making me blush and he left running

"My... Eye's" and after a short moment I kept walking with (Y/N) repeating his complement in my head "does he really think I have beautiful eyes" and I fixed my hair allowing me to see better

Time later

It was lunch time in school now, and I was eating in my usual seat, it was in the corner of the cafatiria with only two chairs, since I didn't had anyone to have lunch with and i rather be alone it was a perfect spot for me

Then as I took a bite on my lunch I heard some laughs and I turned to see who it was

"And i said to him, "your problem is you don't have any rhythm" and he started crying to the beat" (Y/N) said to his friends and they all laughed at the joke

And for some reason I couldn't keep my eyes of (Y/N), the more I saw him the more my heart was beating, but then he catched me staring at him and he waved at me with a friendly smile, it woke me up and realized what I was doing and I quickly looked he other way blushing madly

'Oh no, no no no he thinks I'm stalker now, or something worst' I said in my head, i slowly peeked at (Y/N) again, and fortunetly he wasn't looking at me weirdly and I sighed in relief 'he seems pretty popular, maybe it was just luck that I got to meet him this morning' I thought as I looked down a bit sad

"Hey, are you ok?" I heard some say and I looked to see who it was


"You seem a bit down, is everything alright" he asked

"Um, y-yeah, I was j-j-just erm..." I said thinking of what to say right now "...about to go now, bye" I said storing my food in my lunch box to leave quickly "t-thanks for asking tho" I said as I started walking fast

"But wait are you-" he said but before he finnished speaking I accidentally slipped on something and was falling back, but before I hit the ground I felt someone catch me, I didn't notice I closed my eyes as I fell so I opened my eyes and saw (Y/N)

"That was close, it could have been a nasty fall there" he said and I noticed that he was holding me in his arms, making my face feel really hot, he then put me on my feet again but I was shaking terribly from how close he was to me

"T-t-t-thanks, ag-g-gain"

"Your welcome, we wouldn't want you to get hurt right" he said nicely

"M-mhm, yeah" I stuttered "anyways i-ill be heading out now" I said  and walked away fast

And as I made my way to the library, I felt my heart beat even faster when I think of him

Time later

"Ok Caroline, we have to study for the test next semester, so let's study now" I quietly said to my self in the library, I opened my book and started reading

Since it's really quiet here, I don't feel that nervous as when I'm in crowds, so studying shouldn't be that hard, but I heard a chair pulled and I turned to see who it was

"(Y-Y-Y/N)?" I then felt my heart beat faster  and my face heat up again 'why is he here? And why do I feel nervous again' i said in my head, tried to focus on my text book but I kept taking peeks at him taking away my concentration 'its ok, he's just a nice guy, but why do I feel so nervous'

I slowly took another look at him, but I saw him slowly lying his head down almost like if he's sleeping, then he completely layed his head down 'is he, sleeping?' I asked don't my head, and I got up and walked to his seat, feeling even more nervous the closer I got, and when I got to him, he was sleeping on top of his phisic's book, and he looked so cute sleeping as well 'maybe he won't mind if I...' I slowly poked his cheek and he reacted a bit making small noises making me smile from the sight

"Uh... What happened" he said as he slowly opened his eyes and I quickly took my finger away panicking inside my head "Caroline?... What's up?" He asked

"I-i-i was just poking your cheek, p-please don't be mad at me" I said and I heard the librarian shush

"It's ok, don't worry" he quietly said calming me a bit " I should actually thank you for waking me up"

"It's, nothing..." I said as he went to his book again "...a-are you also studying for an exam?" I asked and he looked at me

"Yes actually, I'm doing terribly in phisic's and if I don't pass this semester I'll be in trouble" he said

"W-would you like me to help you with studying?"

"I'll be thankful, wanna sit?" he asked, I took a seat and looked at his book

"Where are you having problems with?"

"This one right here" he showed the book near me making our shoulders touch each other "hey are you ok, you got red all of a sudden?"

"Y-y-yes, I'm f-f-f-f-fine"

One study session later

"Ahhh, that was rough" (Y/N) said while I stretching

"I know, I'm kinda tired now" I said

"Thanks for helping me, your a great friend"

"Thanks, your not bad at his either"

"Well I gotta go now, I'll see you soon" he said as he got up from his chair "now that I realize, you didn't stutter" he said making me blush a little

"I...I think I did" I said in realization

" But even like that, you still sound cute" he said making me blush "thanks again, bye now" and he left leaving me with a strong heart beat

"I sound...cute" I said smiling a bit

The end

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