Love trial

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Your pov
I looked at my side and saw my parents sleeping there with me. I couldn't help but smile at my parents and feeling loved from a parent. I go up and went the bathroom and saw a pink dress it was very detailed so I took a shower and put it on since it the only clothing there I saw and when I looked at my eyes I saw my eyes pink for a while and they changed back. This was all so sudden could it be the powers are getting stronger. How will I control them? The door knob started wobbling and the voice behind was a women voice and I could hear the women saying i'll take you away just like your parents took my only friend away. I started shaking and covered my ears I didn't want to hear anything. My mother opened the door and she hugged me. When she was hugging me I remembered the vampire knight boys. I should probably send them a letter saying I am okay I don't want to hurt them with my powers until I can control them I will go back in person and explain everything. I will use this chance and try to figure out my feelings.

''Mom can I send a letter to my friends to the academy''-Y/N

''you could in person and tell them yourself if you want''-Mom

''I want to but I don't want to hurt them with my powers I don't want them to see me  like this they won't accept me if they know what I really am''-y/n

''They will accept you the servants had a hard time losing them they tracked you down for miles thanks to the warlock they got away''-Mom

''You're right but I want to send a letter i can't bear for them to see like this insecure''-Y/n

''Okay so is there someone you love over there in that academy you seem very caring''-Mom

''Actually yes but i don't know who i truly love there all so caring and kind towards me''-Y/N

''I actually know what you're going trough I've been there''-mom

''Really how did you know who you love''-Y/N

''I actually have something to tell you about my side of the family. My family goes way back and each women of our family has to go trough a trial a love trail. There will be 2 or more boys to care about us. I went trough the trail and it was hard to choose who i loved. But when i was in danger I screamed your father name and I knew I loved him as the others I just saw them as best friends you'll know when the time is right"-mom
"Wow I can't believe in just a couple days I know more about my family and about me we must kill Ming mei so I could go back and figure my feelings out"-y/n
Meanwhile at the academy
Yuki pov
I noticed zero, kaname,senri,akatsuki, takuma,Aido are all worried about y/n since she went missing it's been a week and there all tired looking for her everywhere but zero and kaname took it the worse they blame themselves for not protecting her. I tried to convince them it wasn't there fault but they don't listen I hope she's okay.
"Yuki what's on your mind"-headmaster
"It's y/n and the boys they took it the worse I want to help and find her but there isn't much it's like if she disappeared completely"- yuki
"Don't worry everyone is doing there best and trying to find her"-headmaster
Meanwhile zero POV
I can't believe I couldn't protect her she was with me next to me. How could I let her go so easily? I need to get stronger and protect her.
"You're here zero"- kaname
"Yeh the spot she went missing"-zero
"We need to talk let's go to my office"- kaname
"There's no need to talk"-zero
"I'll say it straight to you let's join alliance and try to find y/n with everyone else"- kaname
"That wasn't so hard"- takuma
"Yeah I thought he refused right away"-aido
"Let's just talk what we're going to do"- akatsuki
"Yeah his right"- senri
"We need to retrace our steps they people that got her were well repaired they must've been spying on her"-kaname
"Those bastards how could they spy on out y/n"- aido
"Me, zero and takuma will start here and look for things that will help us find her you three start where we first started to walk"-kaname
"Okay let's go no time to waste"-aido
"Don't worry y/n we will find you just wait a little longer"aido

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