Chapter 9

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I keep my head down until the door is shut behind Daisy. This room was my safe place, Miss Heron never disturbs me or tells me to leave. I can only hope Daisy doesn't tell anyone, or come back herself to bug me. I'm no good at interacting with other people. It certainly doesn't help that I can't talk to anyone. Social interactions are so much more trouble than it's worth.

I've started to settle into the routine of school. I'm still not comfortable leaving my sister at home. She needs me to be there for her, but mum would not be impressed with me if she found out I wasn't taking advantage of this opportunity that I've been given. She's constantly drilling into me how privileged I am to be able to go to a school. Even if we can't afford the uniform or the supplies.

I don't see the point, it's so hard and I'm not learning anything. None of the teachers can tell when I'm struggling, not that any of them would care. My time would be better spent at home looking after Ruby. She needs me and I know mum won't give her what she needs. Mum doesn't know how to look after anyone, especially anyone as young as she is. Mum doesn't understand why it frustrates me having to go to school all day. Not that I could explain it to her.

I look up as Miss Heron walks out of her office. "I have to go to a meeting. Could you turn the lights off when you leave?" I just nod. Me and her seem to have come to a silent agreement, where she trusts me alone in her room and leaves me in peace and I do whatever little thing she asks if she needs to go to a meeting. It works out well for both of us. I'm so glad of this sanctuary I can go to when I can't deal with people.

The first few week of coming home after school to Ruby crying was so stressful. Now that it's been a couple of weeks she's only crying every other day. As soon as I walk through the door she runs up to me and clings to my legs until I pick her up.

The weeks go past and I continue to struggle through classes, avoiding people and looking after Ruby. She's the bright spot in my life. I keep catching Daisy glancing at me throughout the school day. She came to the art room to meet with Miss Heron a couple more times. I knew they were talking about her classes. They didn't seem bothered by me overhearing. It's not like I would go gossip to anyone.

Every day is just like the last. It goes on and on while I try to make the most of this privilege that was forced on me. Every day I wish I was at home making sure Ruby was okay. There were times when I was completely lost to the world around me and I'd draw her little face in the corner of my book.

The times I did pay attention I couldn't help but notice that Daisy seemed to have an intense interest in me. She was glancing over to me in class, hanging back with me while everyone else left the class and she waved whenever she saw me. I have no idea what to do with that attention, so I ignore it.

Time comes for the reports to be sent home and I'm dreading it. I know I don't have good grades in any of my classes, except maybe art. Miss Heron is the only teacher that actually likes me, all the others get annoyed and frustrated at me for not talking. It's not like I can change now. The only person I might be able to talk to would be Ruby, but I don't even know if I can talk anymore. It's been too long.

School finishes and I walk home, the report clutched in my hand. The paper scrunches and I almost hope that it'll be so destroyed it would be illegible, but I know that that won't happen. Staring at the ground under my feet I keep on plodding to my house. It's not far away, around a five minute walk. Those five minutes are agony. Wallowing in the terror of what will happen.

I open the door and Ruby runs up to me like every other day. I force a smile and lean down to pick her up. "Sapphie! You are home!" A good day, she's not crying. "I have A lollipop!" she pulls the candy out of her mouth to show me. My heart nearly stops. The only way she would have sugar would be if he was here. My thoughts are confirmed moments later as he leans on the doorway.

"Report," His voice is rough and grating. Shifting Ruby to one arm, I hold out the paper for him to take.

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