Chapter 7

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The students all rush out the door, having packed up early and tidied all their things away. Well, most of them. Of course there are the few who just rush out leaving a mess of pencils and paper for me to pack away. That's just how some teenagers are. Shuffling around and putting things back where they belong I notice Sapphire. She's sitting against the wall opposite my doorway.

A soft smile creeps onto my face, "Come on in," she started at my voice and took her headphones out of her ears. "I'm just packing up from the last class." Quite aware of how on edge she is, I stick to easy topics, light ones. "I just had the year eleven class in here. Only half of them have learned the skill of tidying up their things." Watching her out the side of my eye I can see her mouth twitch into an almost smile. I wished I could bring a real smile to her face. She seems like such a sweet child, I can't imagine what must have happened to her to bring her such pain.

"I just wanted to check in and make sure you were okay after what happened this morning," I keep bustling around, sensing that she'd be more comfortable if it didn't appear that all the attention was on her. "You don't need anything? I could write a note to your parents and the office if you're feeling like you need to go home." Looking up at her, I see her shaking her head. "Let me write you a note for your uniform, so none of the teachers make a fuss about it."

I put down the paper I had gathered into a pile and moved over to my desk, making sure to give her space. Rummaging around in the drawer I find myself a pen and a stack of post-it notes.

The issue of Sapphire's uniform has been discussed and is in the process of being sorted out.

I realise that this is against the rules, but she will have the proper uniform as soon as possible.

Miss Heron

"That should keep you out of trouble for the rest of the week," I hold it out to her and wait for her to take it. Watching as she reads it and wait for a response. She stares at it for a few moments before nodding briefly. Glancing at the clock I estimate that it has barely been five minutes since the end of class. Meaning there is still fifteen minutes before either of us need to be somewhere. Thinking quickly I ask, "Do you want to help me tidy up the rest of these things?"

In response she places her bag on the desk closest to the door and moves off to the paintbrushes. I watch her take them to the sink and pull up the sleeves of her hoodie. She turns the tap on and I watch her for a few more seconds before turning back to gather up more paper.


I slip out of the room as soon as I hear the bell, before Miss Heron can say anything. I do take the note with me though, it's definitely going to be helpful. My next class isn't far away, so I make it there early. With enough time to show the note to the teacher before too many people had turned up. Mrs Tuin's very nice, but she asks for an explanation for my lack of uniform. Thankfully when I keep staring at the ground and don't respond she drops it.

Class was boring, definitely a good thing. I sat at the back and doodled, half listening to the lesson. I didn't get called on and it was just an introductory lesson, not that big of a deal/ the rest of the day fell into that same pattern. Show the teacher my note, get myself a seat at the back of the class and listen in on class. As far as first days go, it wasn't all bad. Lunch was lonely, but that didn't surprise me. I just took myself to the art room again, thankfully Miss Heron wasn't there. I got a much needed break from people.

In the final class of the day, I spent the last few minutes tracking the hands on the clock. Staring at them until finally the end came.

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