chapter 8 late night talk [ Rewritten]

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Start of recap...

Oh well.

He then opened the door and was met with two Pairs of eyes staring at him, making him blush and his hair red mirroring his face

"Hi" he said uncertainly before the pair motioned him take a seat at the table with them...

End of recap...

Sitting in front of him was his parents knowone said anything.

But after a moment of silence remus coughed and got up to make teddy a drink get himself some more tea to drink.

"what would you like to drink teddy" asked remus.

At the question teddy was jolted out of his thoughts he stared at remus before answering "Uhh Hot chocolate please with three sugars" he said

remus looked shocked before smiling and turning to make teddy drink 'he is more like me than I thought' thought the Werewolf as he made Teddy his drink.

After remus finished teddy's hot chocolate, tonks rounded on teddy "so teddy tell us about yourself "she asked

" what do you want to know" he asked her, tonks though for a minute before answering before she could remus spoke up.

"We die don't we teddy" it was remus, tonks and teddy both froze the question Tonks was going to ask died instantly in her mouth as teddy slowly but sadly nodded his head.

Tonks felt silent tears roll down her cheeks, she launched herself at her future son and hugged him tightly and teddy hugged back just a tight.

"How" Remus asked the Dreaded question

" well from what Uncle harry told me, you two got married In 1997, then it was the battle of hogwarts we lost a lot of loved ones it was terrible first and second years weren't allowed to fight the death eaters it was a sad and cruel battle"

"knowone talks about it especially uncle harry, but you two both died together apparently it was kinda sweet that you died holding hands , I was born on 23rd April 1998 and you both died on 2 may 1998"

"You were Only a few weeks old who we died" Said Tonks sadly.

"dad was killed by a deatheater called Antonin Dolohov, during the first half of the same were avenged by Filius Flitwick, and mum you died from your own aunt Bellatrix lastrange but she was killed by Grandma weasley" said teddy

By the end of his story all of the family were crying openly remus joined in on the hug, after crying for a few minutes everyone was calmer. "So who did you live with" asked tonks wiping her tears away.

Teddy smiled feeling happier "I live with Grandma Andy , but I'm mostly at either Grimmuld place or potter manor with my godfather harry" explained teddy.

"We made harry your godfather " said remus "yeah harry the best he's always taken care of me with help from Grandma Andy" said teddy .

"What about Hogwarts How was school for you" asked tonks "well as I said earlier I was in Hufflepuff the hot decided on putting me in gryffindor, but it said I was more like you mm so it picked Hufflepuf, I was also prefect but didn't get head boy because apparently I have your balance mum" said Teddy making his parents grin .

"Also because I was a huge prankster, my favourite class was obviously Defence against the dark arts and I think that's it" finished teddy smiling he was happy that he got to talk to his parents.

"What about your love life teddy" said tonks raising a teasing pink eyebrow Teddy blushed Crimson making his hair change.

"it's that french weasley Victoire I think her name was" said remus smirking, teddy nodded smiling at the thought of his girlfriend

"Yeah that's her we've been dating since my fifth year" said teddy , "awww my baby boy" squealed tonks and hugging teddy again.

The lupin family talked for hours and teddy got to Learn more about his parents than he could ever had.

Hi sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the reads for this fanfic

Word count : 640

Rewritten on (23/05/2021)

Word count : 700

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