3 - Bright Red Slushie

Start from the beginning

"Would you like to head to the classroom early?" I nodded. I was not ready to roam the hallways and meet anyone just yet.

I follow her down the hall, and we enter a classroom with student projects covering the wall. The classroom is colourful and bright, just like her. I place my backpack on a desk close to Ms. Rosie.

"¿Hablas español?" she asks me.

"Un poco. Mi mejor amiga es española," I answered shakily. I was never the best at languages; however, because of Carla's family, I was okay in Spanish.

Ms. Rosie laughs, "That is already better pronunciation than the majority of my students. You are going to do just fine here!"

I grinned and took my seat. Ms. Rosie handed me a Spanish textbook before moving to her desk.

"Tell me about your best friend," Ms. Rosie requested.

I looked at her, skeptically "in Spanish?" I asked.

She laughed again, "no, English is fine."

I smiled and told her a little bit about Carla and her family, and how we have known each other our whole lives. I told her how moving was a big shock, and she sympathized with me. Ms. Rosie told me she moved here from Mexico when she was ten years old, and although the first few years were rough, she found good friends eventually and learned to love this city.

I smiled at her, that was nice, but I didn't want to make friends after a few years.

Other students start trickling in a few minutes before class, and Ms. Rosie began to write on the smartboard, effectively ending our pleasant conversation. Most students look at me curiously, but no one said hi. I should've, but I needed to build myself up before I could get there.

I was very much isolated from the groups taking seats near the back of the class until a boy sits next to me and introduces himself as Georgie. I introduce myself to him; however, he didn't talk much after that, instead choosing to lean down on the desk and stare at Ms. Rosie.

I look between him and our teacher, and I swear I could see heart emojis come out of his eyes.

Soon after Georgie sat down, the final bell rang, and Ms. Rosie launched us headfirst into our introductory lesson. 

The class was easier than I had expected, and when the bell rang, signalling the end of class, I was surprisingly disappointed. Ms. Rosie made me feel at ease in this new classroom setting, and I was not ready to face the next classroom.

I waited for the rest of the students to leave so that I could thank Ms. Rosie and maybe avoid heading out in the hallway.

"What's your next class?" Ms. Rosie asked me before I got a word in.

I pulled out my itinerary, "Um, senior history."

"Oh, I was right; you are bright! Let me show you over there." I smiled at her. I was grateful that she took the time to walk me over so I could avoid getting lost for just a little while longer.

We walked to the next hallway, and she introduced me to my new history teacher, Mr. Gregory. He was an older man and much less smiley than Ms. Rosie, but his eyes lit up when she walked into the room. I guess she had that effect on everyone at this school.

Mr. Gregory handed me my textbook for the year, and I sat down in a middle row to the side of the room. The desk next to me stayed empty, so I effectively met no one in my second class.

I tried to pay attention to the class, but I always found History tiresome. The only reason I was in senior History is that I had already completed the junior requirements in this school district. I did not argue because I might as well get History over and done with, and then I could avoid it Senior year.

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