Sunshine Lanes

427 11 3

I’m sorry


As Toby jumped up and caught the ball flying through mid-air, Kevin pushed him over and they were tackled by a few more guys from the makeshift football teams while Michelle let out a cheer. Her eyes shined with admiration, and I just had to laugh at how ironic it was; she’s always hated violence, but football was her exception.  The boys played rough, too. If I ever played football and one of my team mates trampled me like that during practice, he better be ready for pay back on game night. Well, I guess that’s why I never made the team…yeah, that’s why.

I shook my head as I noticed them getting back in position.  All summer our old high school’s football team has been practicing with the former team members, one of which was Kevin. I guess it was fun, because they do it every year. Any member who could make it came.

Most people in town don’t watch the practice, but Michelle and Kevin are the only people in town I can hang out with. Plus, they said they want to take me somewhere afterwards. So exciting, right? I hope we’re getting food, because we’ve been sitting here for the longest, and I’m starving!

I stared at the sky, just blanking for a bit, until Michelle’s empty seat called for my attention. I snapped my head towards the field and noticed the guy’s slowly trickling out of the locker room. I also saw Michelle and Kevin making googly eye with each other by the big goal thing; I’m not sure what you call them, but I’ve seen people kick the football through them. In exasperation, I realized they were going to make me wait longer to have some actual fun.

Rolling my eyes, I hopped down from the benches, pulled my lips real tight, and let out a loud whistle. I could feel the power of it, and, although I couldn’t hear it, I saw the effect it made. The guys around me cringed, some even let out, what seemed to be, colorful words that would probably get most of them detention if they were in class, and Michelle broke away from her ‘Kevin-trance’.

Even after getting their attention and dirty looks from the football team, I still had to wait for them to make their way over to me. I stared at them astonished that anyone could actually walk that slowly. What the hell is wrong with young people these day, don’t know how to walk to save a young-deaf man’s life!

I blinked. I didn’t think I had it in me to make deaf jokes. I just keep surprising myself this month.

They finally made it to me with huge grins on their faces. “You’re lucky I didn’t have the keys,” I stated haughtily before heading to the truck. When I turned around to see if either of them had a reply, I found Kevin and Michelle walking slower than the speed of slug. Literally! They weren’t even moving.

I shot hot daggers at them and crossed my arms. Kevin seemed unaffected by my glares, but Michelle looked like she was about to give in. Until Kevin grabbed her hand and whispered in her ear, that is.

My mouth fell open a little bit and my eyes felt like they would pop right out of their sockets. How dare he use his masculine willies to persuade her! I stood there for a little bit longer before deciding to just wait it out.

We ended standing there until the parking lot was empty, and I finally called Kevin a bastard. He just smiled and unlocked the car. His outrageous sense of humor is probably why he was still my friend. He always made things interesting.

Kevin wouldn’t tell me where we were going once we got in the car, another annoying thing he does a lot of the time. Huffing and plopping back into my seat I started listing off my guesses, “Are we going to…the fair?” Nothing,” Are we going to…the park?” Nada, “How about…Albert’s Steak House?” Still nothing, “We better not be going to RaJaMa! You and everyone else in this town know their fish are not fresh. How are you supposed to get fresh salt water fish out here? Huh, tell me, how?” That just got me a small smile from Kevin and a giggle from Michelle. “Argh, just tell me already!”

He cut the engine and ignored my outburst. I looked outside and saw Sunshine Lanes lit up in neon pink. Hell yeah!

I jogged after the two buttholes who just didn’t know how to walk with me. Inside was the same as usual. It still smelled like pizza, sticky soda, and foot odor and it was still filled with families and teens., but I couldn’t hear the pins getting knocked over or the shouts of excitement as the balls unexpectedly worked. Hmm, it’s not too bad, I guess.

I headed over to the counter where Kevin was paying for our lane and Michelle was finishing putting on her shoes. I grabbed the 7’s off the counter and quickly followed them as they headed for the last lane open. Oh my goodness, if they didn’t want me here they didn’t have to bring me!

As I trailed after them, something green caught my eye. I stopped to look. There it was, the only green ball in this joint, my ball, in someone else’s hands. I never really had this problem before. Every single time I’ve been here, and that is quite a few times my good friend, the ball has always been in the racks waiting for me. I contemplated going and asking the person who just took his turn if he would let me use it but decided against it.

Finding a ball I could use proved to be a little difficult, but I ended up settling for second best, a light weight red one. Now, it threw my game off a little bit, but I still beat Michelle and got my free pizza. As we left laughing, I saw my green ball still in the hands of its kidnapper…stupid hoe.

When they dropped me off, the house was full again. Mr. and Mrs. Tiger were back from their day at the ‘spa’, and the girly thing Susan and Katie had to do was apparently finished. We ate dinner together and welcomed Jesse back when he came clamoring in through the door. My days continued like that. I spent time with my friends, healed up my arm, and ate ice cream. Well, until we had to go back to school.

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