The Hospital

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I wrote the first full chapter :) I hope you like it.


I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me. Well, they weren't really shaking me. It was like the aftershock of someone else being shaken. When I opened my eyes a crack, I was blinded by a piercing light. I closed my eyes again and slowly opened one then the other. When they finally adjusted, the shaking had died down.

I hurt in places, and I didn't feel like moving or that I could move even if I wanted to. Either way I wasn't going to move much for now. I turned my head slightly towards where I felt someone touching me. I saw my mom crying, but I couldn't hear it. Now that I think about it, I haven't heard anything, not even the tiniest sound, since I woke up.

I look around the room and found my dad. He looked at my mom and me in despair and pity. I returned his stare with an expecting one. His mouth moved and it looked like he said 'Oh dear'. I was getting even more confused.

I motioned him over to me, but he broke down. He started talking really fast and covering his face as he tried to hide his tears, but all he really covered was my only hope to understand anything coming out of his mouth. I felt my mom get up, so I looked at her. She was glaring at my dad. What the heck is going on!

I remember being in the hospital before and the little button for assistance. I found it and pushed it repeatedly. A nurse burst in with an air of confidence that put me at ease. I felt my mouth move as I asked her for help. I felt my vocal cords thrumming as I let my voice out. I felt my tongue dance the familiar patterns it did as I talked. But I couldn’t hear myself.

The woman looked at me in understanding when I felt my voice crack. She saw my face as it dawned on me. She was the only one in the room who noticed though. My mom was yelling at my dad now as he tried to defend himself. Their fighting and want of freedom is what made me choose to live with my grandma. So where was my grandma now?

She is on a trip with a few of my many cousins and some of her friends. She needed it. She deserved it. She deals with crazy family problems all the time. She's raising a teenage boy, me, while working two jobs. She's happy the way she lives, but everyone needs a little get-away once and a while.

I turned away from the nurse that was fighting to keep my parents separated. I felt a breeze and looked at the now open door to see another nurse come in with security. I point at my parents with my hand, that wasn't in a cast up to my elbow, and motioned slicing my neck. “They gotta go,” I said.

One man nodded, and the nurse who came with the security guard gave me some water with a pleasant smile. She was ignoring the struggle behind her which was probably easier for me, because I couldn’t hear it, and I was focusing on the lady standing in front of me. Soon enough, my parents were gone.

I sat in the bed and thought about what had happened when the room cleared out. I was walking home. Susan and Kate were there. I was running from them. I was playing around. I ran into the street then stopped running. I was looking at them when I was hit.

OK so I got hit, and I lost my hearing. That means they hit my head right? I checked for any other broken things. I think it was my left arm, defiantly a twisted ankle, and something was up with my right side. It wasn't that bad. If you don't think about my hearing, I'm pretty darn lucky.

My face felt icky though. I couldn't really move it, yet, but it's probably going to be ugly. I noticed bruises here and there where I could see my skin. My pale skin made a great canvas for the nasty colored bruises. It was like a rainbow of unwanted colors. There was corn yellow, dead leaf brown, pasty green, dusty purple and different combinations and shades of them all.

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