3 // shake the frost

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So if it'd make you stay
I wouldn't act so angry all the time
I wouldn't keep it all inside
And I'd let you know how much I love you each and every day
So darlin' stay right here and shake this frost off of my bones


"What do you want to watch tonight, babe?"

"Uh, I don't know. Something good?"

She scoffs as she grabs two beers from the fridge. "So helpful. Thank you so much."

As she hands him his beer he puckers his lips up at her. She swats his mouth with her hand. "Loser," she chuckles.

"Oh, how you hurt me," he says with mock offense. She rolls her eyes but kisses him nonetheless.

They'd both been so busy the past couple of weeks that they haven't had much alone time together. This movie night had been his suggestion; a much-needed break from the madness of the season. Believe it or not, even though they both work for NASCAR, they don't get to spend much time together on race weekends. To say it was putting a strain on their relationship is putting it lightly, but they were determined to work through it with nights like these.

After flipping through the movie options for a bit she settles on Arrival, a film she's wanted to see for a while now. As the opening credits roll, she brushes a hand through her boyfriend's hair who is now cuddled up to her with his back to her chest, body in-between her legs.

"What's this about?" He asks, eyes glued to his phone screen.

A twinge of annoyance runs through her at the question. She hates when people talk during movies--and normally so does Ryan--but she shrugs it off. Tonight is the first night they've been alone together in a long time and she doesn't want it spent fighting.

"Aliens. Amy Adams is in it," she replies, grinning, knowing he's a sucker for her. She thinks she's succeeded at trying to keep her voice as neutral as possible. It's not in her nature to hide her annoyance, but she's aiming to be on her best behavior tonight, even if he isn't, unfortunately.

"Hmm." He murmurs, eyes briefly flicking towards the screen before going back to his phone. Sigh.

She rolls her eyes at him but once again ignores it, deciding to focus on the movie. She was looking forward to watching it, after all.

About half way through he starts actually watching it, much to her surprise. But that surprise quickly sours when he starts criticizing the movie he just started paying attention to.

"I mean, that doesn't even make sense?" He says all of a sudden, gesturing wildly at the tv. "It's just so unrealistic?"

She grits her teeth. "It's science fiction, Ryan. It's fake."

"I know that--"

"You clearly don't. And I don't know why you care anyway? It's not like you're even fucking watching it!"

At that he turns from his position against her chest with a mean look on his face. "Why are you picking a fucking fight?"

What a fucking bastard.

"I--whatever, Ryan. Just fucking whatever," she says, pushing him off her and marching off to the kitchen.

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