I looked in the mirror as I brushed out my H/L H/C hair.
I smiled as I grabbed a handbag.

I put my phone, my headphones and some chewing gum in there

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I put my phone, my headphones and some chewing gum in there. I looked around my room before grabbing a rape alarm. At least I can use it if something like the thing with that wolf happens again.

I grabbed my keys along with my helmet and ran out..

When I was stopped by the lady at the reception desk.
"I haven't seen you in a whole week, are you alright?" She seemed GENUINELY concerned.

'Aww, how sweet!'

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just- I'm in a bit of a rush, ya see-" She started waving her hands with wide eyes.

"Oh, well, don't let me stop you hun! I just wanted to make sure that you were better now." She smiled. This lady was nice, I liked her.

"Oh yeah, I'm better now, don't worry bout me, I'm a big girl!" I smiled at her and walked out as she yelled out a quick: 'Take care!'.

I hopped onto my bike, shoved my helmet on and rode over to what was left of the moon theater.

Once I got there, Johnny was in a classic lookin' black pickup truck and there was rope tied to the back. I smiled.

'This guy... Always helping out, wherever he can..' I parked the bike to the side and took off my helmet, setting it on the bike itself.

I turned around and saw that Johnny had started driving and that the rope was helping to pick up the large arch.
I walked over to Rosita and asked what I could do to help. She said that Johnny was gonna help to lift some more stuff with the truck, and that I could tell him when to stop. I nodded.
I was determined to help out.

After some lifting, painting and helping Johnny with some more piano practice, we were practically done.

I was standing beside Johnny, he was currently venting. He had told me everything. From his mom, to his dad and his gang to... A girl.

"I'm so nervous, I mean, what if I mess up? Then what? I mean, I like this girl, and she's really talented, so what if I mess up tonight and she feels embarrassed that she even KNOWS me, what if-" I felt my heart break a little when he mentioned that he liked someone, but I had to be a good friend.

"No more what ifs, you'll do great, I know you will. You won't mess up, I promise you that. And if this girl can't see how perfect you are..? Then she's as blind as a brick wall, got it?" He looked like he was gonna say something.. Before he just nodded and sighed.

"You're amazing Y/N... You really are.." I was about to say 'Thank you', but the lights started dimming and I SWEAR I could hear a trumpet.

Moon had gathered us around, probably for a speech or somethin'.

"Soulmates." A Johnny X Reader [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now