Comic I made in under 10 minutes

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Ok, I think this needs some explaining

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Ok, I think this needs some explaining. The blue one is my brother, he creates games and is very passionate about it as I am with drawing and writing.

When I get mad, I get loud, so my brother went to check up on me. I showed him a comment I found on chapter 9 of my story and after he read it, both of us were raging little children.

He understands how bad it feels to have someone smack talk about something you work hard to make, so we were both yelling each other's ears off, but completely agreeing to what we were saying to each other.

We weren't mad at each other, but the person who decided to go out of their way to be hurtful. After I calmed down a little, I thought over what happened and thought it was funny. So, I drew this comic really quickly. Hopefully you'll get a laugh over the rage me and my brother had.

I try not to rage when I talk about these kind of things, it doesn't get me anywhere. But when I'm not writing about it, I'm ranting and yelling.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

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