Chapter 9: Heimwehkrank

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(Thank you Bonnet25, Marti123X, and Phanch1401 for your Ideas/Suggestions!)
     "Alright, That's it! We need to go home." Biggie yelled, at least at first. He was loud enough that being heard from a distance would be easy, and Trollex would rather have no one else find them so easily.

     "Biggie, it'll be okay!" Poppy tried to reassure, her arms outstretched and wearing a smile to help, but her eyes didn't completely match her smile. Trollex was pretty sure that Poppy saying that after what happened, probably wasn't the best choice, or at least not the best choice of words.

     "Stop Saying that and listen to me!" Biggie told the pink Pop Troll, Poppy looked surprised at this reaction. Trollex, despite still being tired, was on edge. "You only hear what you want to hear and it puts us all in danger. How are you supposed to save the world if you can't even keep us safe?"

     No one spoke, all eyes were on Poppy and waiting to see what she would say. When she didn't say anything, Biggie spoke again, "You made a Pinky Promise to me Queen Poppy, and you Broke it." Biggie held Mr. Dinkles close, the blue Pop Troll looked hurt and betrayed.

     Biggie, looking less sad and more mad, pulled the hat of Mr. Dinkles back before letting go. The hat quickly going back to the worms head as Mr. Dinkles started to act as a motor of sorts. Biggie walked over to the edge of the raft and dropped Mr. Dinkles in the water, who floated, before stepping on the worm. Mr. Dinkles then moved themselves through the water, rather quickly too.

     After Biggie and Mr. Dinkles got a good distance away, Biggie turned around and shouted, "What kind of Queen Breaks a Pinky Promise?!" Before turning back around, his stance being one that Trollex would describe as dramatic.

     "Biggie, no." Poppy weakly, and rather quietly, called out. Trollex felt bad for her, though she did make the mistake of not listening and making a promise she couldn't keep. Trollex knows first hand, no matter what kind of promise it is, if a promise is made with royalty, it's going to be important to make sure the promise is kept.

     Trollex remembered his Grandfather, a lying and backstabbing monster of a Troll. His Grandfather made few promises back then, but he still managed to break all but one of them. When Trollex's Grandfather was the King, Techno Reef was almost no more. Trollex will forever be grateful that his mother never took after that  wretched King. The DJ knows he should respect his elders, but...Trollex doesn't think he'll ever respect his Grandfather.

     Trollex can tell that Queen Poppy is young and new to being a Queen, the signs were obvious and pretty much everywhere. Trollex hopes that Poppy will learn from this experience and better herself for the future, most rulers have to do that in their early years, as far as Trollex knew.

     The rest of the night was spent in silence, which helped Trollex a lot since he had went back to sleep a while after Biggie left.

     Trollex's dreams were normally happy ones, but due to recent events, they were more bitter sweet. He dreamed of Techno Reef, being home, and seeing the damage done to it. He dreamed of his friends and family, the Techno Trolls back home who had to see Queen Barb attack their Home and take Trollex. The DJ dreamed of his mother and what she might've done if she was in the same situation as him, Trollex also dreamed of his father and how he would be so enraged at the fact that the Techno String was taken.

     Trollex woke up when his dreams shifted to reliving the attack from Queen Barb, he wouldn't call it nightmare though. Trollex didn't wake up screaming or anything, he didn't feel scared, just numb. Though, it took Trollex a moment to realize that while he was sleeping, some tears had fallen down his face.

    Trollex was quick to rub off the tears, he didn't need any more of that right now. The Techno Troll was no longer tired, and could see that it was morning now. Hickory was singing, Poppy was steering the raft, and Branch was sitting at the front of raft. Trollex noticed that Branch looked troubled, or more than usual, so Trollex moved himself into the water of the river and made his was over to Branch.

     When Trollex made it over to Branch, the Pop Troll was laying on his back, the Techno Troll laid his arms against the edge of the raft next to the other Troll, crossing them over each other as Trollex looked at Branch. "Are you still with us Branch?" Trollex asked, Branch sat up and looked at Trollex with confusion.

     "What do you mean? I'm here, aren't I?" Branch asked, Trollex chuckled lightly. The DJ was surprisingly calm, the sleep really did help him calm his nerves.

     "Yeah, you are, but your beat appears to be with Queen Poppy." Trollex told him, the word 'beat' meaning heart in that sentence. Which Branch was able to actually understand after a minute.

     "Whoa, let's reel it back-" Branch stopped himself, looking at Trollex like he said something he shouldn't have, "I'm sorry, is that offensive?" Branch asked. Trollex couldn't help but laugh at that, the DJ has heard much worse from the Techno Trolls back home.

     "Don't worry, it isn't as offensive as you believing that I can't see what's right in front of me." Trollex explained, a warm smile on his face. "Have you told her yet?" Trollex asked, glancing at the Queen of Pop before looking back at Branch. The Techno Troll isn't very experienced in Love, but he is quite experienced with friendship.

     "I tried, but..." Branch then whistled, gesturing with his hands of a something falling before hitting its target and exploding, Branch even made the exploding sound. Personally, the exploding sound was a little too close to the sound of impact made when Queen Barb hit the heart of Techno Reef, so the sound made Trollex flinch a little. But the DJ shook it off so he could continue to help his friend.

     The Techno Troll set his head on his arms, using them as a pillow of sorts, "Well, if you did actually tell her, she might not have even heard you." Trollex said, shrugging a little afterwards. Branch asked what he meant by that, so Trollex told him, "As far as I can tell, only one of you has been listening to the other in this relationship, and it isn't Queen Poppy." Trollex's smile was gone by then, Communication is important and without it, you're bound to not get very far.

     Hickory, who had stopped singing and playing his guitar a while ago, came over to Trollex and Branch. The Country Troll had heard pretty much the whole conversation, so when there was a few seconds of silence, Hickory had pointed out that it was Branch being the one doing the listening.

     "Yeah, I got that. Thanks." Branch told Hickory, immediately looking irritated as he turned away from the Country Troll and crossed his arms. Though no one could see, since Trollex's mouth was covered from his arms, Trollex smiled. He found that response rather funny since he didn't react that way at all with the DJ.

     Poppy had gotten the attention of the others, pointing at a big object that was flying towards them. It was bigger than what Queen Barb used so she could be underwater. It was pretty much a giant UFO, covered in lights and looking rather  intimidating despite all the colors on it.

     A tube had come out the bottom, it looked like a giant bubble. The tube surrounded all of them, more Circular bubbles floating towards them. Hickory had his guitar held, ready to attack, yelling, "I got it!" Before swinging. The bubble moved backwards a little and caused Hickory to hit Branch in the face with his Guitar. Branch tried to punch and Kick the bubble, but had  'accidentally' kicked Hickory.

     The two were captured by the bubble before they knew it, two more coming for Trollex and Poppy. The Queen of Pop didn't try to fight or run, so she got caught rather easily. Trollex attempted to splash water at the bubble coming towards him, trying to get it away. When that didn't work, Trollex went under the water and tried to swim away. But the bubble had somehow managed to catch Trollex anyway, taking all four of them up into the ship.

(Sorry This took a while, I had writer's block for a little while.

Anyway, if you have any ideas/suggestions as to what should happen in the next chapter, please don't be afraid to share. If I end up using your idea(s)/suggestion(s), I will thank/credit the owner(s) at the beginning of the chapter.

Thank you and have a wonderful Day/Night!)

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