Akutagawa•Atsushi: Drunk Confessions

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Atsushi POV

It was the day after the connection of the ADA and the Port Mafia. I was at the hq doing the usual paperwork when the door opened with a loud "bang". I looked towards the door terrified, only to see Akutagawa walking in the room. I instantly relaxed and went back to paperwork.

"Oi, jinko, do you know where Dazai is?"
"No clue, no one is here except me. Well and you. Why, what do you want?"
"Tonight the Port Mafia is hosting a party for the connection of our agencies and sent me to inform you"
"Oh okay, well it's quite early no one's going to be here for another hour or so. You can stay here, come back later or if you have something else to do, I could tell the others"
"I don't have anything else to do. I'm just going to stay here"
"Okay, make yourself at home"

He flopped down onto a couch and just stared up as I went back to my paperwork. Time passed quickly when I felt something poking me. I looked to my right to see rashumon poking me.

"What do you want Akutagawa?"
"Now that you mention it, I need one too. How do you drink it?"
"Black one teaspoon of sugar"

I made quick work preparing the coffees and handing him his.

"Hey sit down" he said sternly.

I looked at him weirdly but nevertheless sat down next to him, making sure to leave a little space between us.

"Will you come tonight to the party?"
"Uhm, I don't know, probably yeah if everyone else goes"
"Hm, will you bring someone?"
"Why we can?"
"I'm not saying any stranger I meant if you will bring a...girlfriend"
"Oh no, I don't have a girlfriend. I'm not into girls"
"Wait so you're gay?"
"Yeah gay and single. You?"
"I'm bi, but I've never had a boyfriend"
"Oh, so will you bring your girlfriend tonight?"
"I'm not in a relationship. Not after what happened last time!"

Then the door opened Kunikida and Dazai came in.

"Oh good morning Atsushi-kun, Akutagawa-kun" Dazai said with his usual cheery voice.

"Good morning" we said in unison.

"So, Akutagawa-kun what brings you here?" Kunikida asked curiously.

"The Port Mafia is hosting a party tonight for the connection of the two agencies and sent me to inform you. The party is tonight at 9:30 at one of our warehouses. The directions will be sent to you. You may bring your lover if you want"

"Okay, I will let the other members know" Kunikida said nodding.

Akutagawa nodded and after looking at me and saying a "see you tonight" left the agency.

I looked at his back and blushed slightly.

"Ooooh, Atsushi-kun here has a cruuuush!" Dazai said with a sing-song voice.

"N-No I don't what are you talking about?"
"I don't blame you, you guys look cute together. I think you should make your move tonight at the party"

Before I could say anything else he went to his desk and started "working".

The day passed quickly and it was now 8 pm.
I was getting ready for the party when my phone rung. I looked at it and saw an unknown number. I reluctantly picked it up.

"Oi jinko it's Akutagawa"
"Oh hey Akutagawa. Do you need something?"
"Uhm, I was thinking since everyone was going with a friend or partner to the dance, that maybe we could go together as friends"
"Um, okay sure, I don't mind"
"Okay I'll pick you up from your apartment at 8:45. Is that good?"
"Yeah it's fine"
"Okay, see you then, Atsushi" 

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