Chapter Two

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The boys were stuck for inspiration twindling their pens around while they tried to write. Becky usually ended up with writing credits on the songs she produced with the boys. As she would put all the sounds together, the boys would throw out lyrics and sometimes Becky would have a light bulb moment and join the conversation. Becky had worked with the boys on CNCO and Que Quienes Somos, at this stage they were happy for her to contribute as much as the rest of them.

Zabdiel was sitting next to Becky. After releasing the EP, Zabdiel became more and more invested in producing music and asked Becky if she could teach him. At first Becky was nervous that if Zabdiel learnt too much about producing music, they wouldn't need her anymore. Joel noticed her nervousness within their first few writing sessions. Every time Zabdiel asked a question, Becky's shoulders would tense up and she would start her sentence by stuttering.

Joel pulled her to the side once he realised, "there's normally like 3 producers on a track right?" Joel asked her in the studio hallway. Becky nodded. "Well then, why are you stressed about Zabdiel learning how to produce?" he questioned with concern.

Becky was still young, her biggest artist was CNCO and she was afraid if she lost them as a collaborator, her bright career would dwindle quickly.

"I'm not." she tried to smile through her stress.

"I've known you long enough to know when you're lying." he pokes her plump cheek smiling sweetly.

"Fine!" she throws her hands up in defeat, "I was nervous but you're right. It's crazy that I've been the sole producer on most of the tracks we've worked on. Zabdiel learning how to produce would really help me with the workload."

Becky looked up from her computer when she noticed the boys struggling to create a concept for their next song. Usually when they were stuck, they would listen to other music, play a game they hadn't clocked yet or go for a walk but today they sat still waiting for the concept to hit them.

Becky had suggested the boys write about losing their virginities, "...maybe appeal to fans and you can write about making a girl comfortable for her first time or something?" she had suggested.

The boys explored her idea, almost turning their song into a story because they had so much to write. When they asked Becky for a womans perspective of having sex for the first time. She looked down muttering that she wouldn't know and tried her best to diverge the conversation but Richard immediately halted the conversation.

"What do you mean shawty?" Richard asked her. "What do you mean you wouldn't know?"

"I - uhh - I'm a virgin." she blurts out looking down. "Maybe you can call Ali?" Becky suggests.

"No." Zabdiel pulls himself away from the program on his computer. "We can't ask Ali she would probably slap us." he laughs.

"Wait," Chris laughs mockingly, "you're being serious? You're a virgin? Like you've never had sex?"

Becky blushes, "Yes! I've never had sex!" she exclaims, "Listen, we don't need to talk about my personal experiences with sex." Becky turns her swivel chair around so that her back is to all the boys, hoping that it would end the conversation.

"Leave her alone." Joel warns just as Erick tries to open his mouth and ask another question.

"You know," Chris stands up from the couch walking towards Becky, he leans down his lips brushing against her ear, "we can help you out with that little problem if you want."

Becky laughs, "What? All 5 of you?" she questions as Chris settles himself back on the couch.

"If you want." Richard jokes.

"Also I don't see it as a problem. I haven't met anyone worthy of sleeping with yet."

"Let's just get back to writing." Zabdiel breaks the conversation.

"It's almost eight thirty," Becky stands up, "I'll go organise some dinner for us."

Erick was excited when Becky left the room, it meant that he could share his bright idea with the rest of the boys. "Hey!" he whispered as the door slowly closed, "I have an idea." he smirked.

"Hmm?" Joel asked leaning in, all the boys following his movements.

"We should make it a game." Erick gazes along to all the boys while a confused look approaches their faces. "First to have sex with her wins."

"Oh gosh Erick!" Joel almost screams.

"Wait, wait," Richard smiles trying to calm Joel down, "Hear him out."

"What do you mean hear him out?" Joel asks, baffled. "You heard her, she hasn't met anyone she wants to sleep with yet. That includes us."

"Dude," Chris slaps his chest with the back of his hand, "she wouldn't tell us if she did want to fuck on of us. She's Becky. That's not her style." he turns his attention to Erick, "What did you have in mind?"

"Well we could all just hit on her, try to ask her out. See if she would go out with all of us you know and then whoever sleeps with her first wins."

"Wins what?" Chris asks curiously.

"I don't know! Money?"

"We can all put in two hundred each." Zabdiel smirks.

"No one else thinks this idea is a little fucked up?" Joel asks looking at each of them.

"Come on Joel!" Chris pats his shoulder. "She will be a willing participant to the sex. She just doesn't need to know that it's a game." he shrugs. "Plus, what kind of girl is a virgin at twenty four, we would be doing her a favour!"

"You're sounding like a dick." Richard chuckles while Joel bites his lip contemplating the idea. Richard pulls his wallet out of his pocket. "Two hundred," he lifts his cash up and throws it in the middle of the table. "Erick can hold onto it for now while we wait for a winner."

Chris throws his money onto the table, "We won't be waiting too long for a winner now that I'm playing." he winks, giggles and pokes his tongue out.

Zabdiel and Erick throw their money onto the table and look at Joel expectantly. Joel sighs, "she can never find out." he demands, waiting for the boys to agree. They all look around at each other and nod. Joel sighs before reaching into his wallet and pulling his cash out.

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