Chapter 13: Family (END)

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Charlie got a new job as the shoe shiner while he was waiting for Charlotte to meet him. He finished the shoes as he began to clean the shoes of the man who had the newspaper in front of his face and spoke up. 

"Pity about that chocolate fellow, Wendell... eh... Walter."

"Willy Wonka." Charlie corrected as he continued to shine the shoes. 

"That's the one. Says here in the paper his new candies aren't selling very well. But I suppose maybe he's just a rotten egg who deserves it."

"Yep." Charlie responded. 

"Oh, really? You ever met him?" 

Charlie raised his face as he stopped working. "I did with my sister. We thought he was great at first, but then, he didn't turn out so nice. He also has a funny haircut." He then works again as the newspapers lower down, appearing to be Mr. Wonka. 

"I do not!"

"Charlie!" The voice called, and they both looked to see it was Charlotte. I stopped walking as I noticed Mr. Wonka. "Oh, Willy. Hi! What are you doing here outside?"

"I don't feel so hot. What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?" Mr. Wonka asked them. 

"Our family." We answered, making him scoff. Charlie stood up and asked Mr. Wonka. "What do you have against our family?"

"It's not just both of your family, it's the whole idea of..." He paused again but he just skipped it. "...You know, they're always telling you what to do, what not to do, and it's not conducive to a creative atmosphere."

"Usually, they're just trying to protect you because they love you." Charlie explained as Mr. Wonka made a face in disgust. 

"And they want to keep you safe and want what's best for you." I added, making him softer and silent. 

"If you don't believe me, you should ask." Charlie said. 

"Ask who, my father?" he scoffed as he turned his face away. "No way... At least not by myself."

"You want me and Charlie to come with you?" I offered. Mr. Wonka smiled widely at my offer. 

"Hey... hey, what a good idea. Yeah!" He then got up before walking to the elevator which landed not far from him. "And you know what, I've got transport--" 

He then bumped into the elevator like when in the television room, I then helped him get up on his feet. "Thank you, And I have to be more careful where I park this thing." 

He pressed and let Charlie and me in before he entered. 




The elevator then brought us to the snow-covered field, and there was a single house far from the elevator. When the elevator landed, we walked out and walked through the snow until we reached the staircase. 

"I think we've got the wrong house." Mr. Wonka said. But I saw the sign that read.



"I think we're in the right house, Willy," I said. Charlie then rang the bell as I was holding onto Charlie's shoulder. The door that opened appeared to be an elderly man wearing a dentist's outfit. 

"Do you have an appointment?" He asked. 

"No, but he's overdue." Charlie replied.


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